Half Way Thru Level 1



  • jalysia
    jalysia Posts: 43
    Just wanted to say congrats to all the ones who have stuck with it and not missed a day yet!!! I know I was tired and stressed today from work but I just couldn't skip, so once the kids were in bed, I was right there with ya'll!!! I'm a bit sore but idk if it's from today or from the soreness I already had, lol... good luck everyone and keep up the good work :)
  • beccah88
    beccah88 Posts: 57 Member
    Day 5 done, woop!! I have to admit I was so tempted to skip a day today, I was not motivated at all but I did it anyway.

    I don't ache so much today and I found the cardio easier, some of the weights I found a little more difficult than usual which was strange. I can't believe I'm half way through level 1, I never seem to stick at anything but I can see myself completing this.
  • suzmoreton
    Thank you!!! I was thinking when I am doing the chest flies I need something heavier because it doesnt burn. Good idea! Thanks
  • suzmoreton
    I am using 3lb weights also and I have no intentions of increasing that weight. If you think it's not enough, maybe purchase some 5lb weights (I don't think they make 4lb hand weights, or at least I've never seen them). I am going to stick with 10, 10, and 10 so I will remain on level one for 10 days. I want to be a level one master before I upgrade and I think in the next 5 days, I'll get there.

    Suz for your shin splints, instead of any jumping just try to stand in place and do leg lifts. Sort of like marching. Or you can work your thighs during that time and grab a chair and just sit and stand and sit and stand over and over again until it's time for something else. Just some ideas.

    Thank you so much!!! I did leg lifts this am and made my knees touch my hands which were at my chest...today was much better then the day before!!! Love this group!
  • scheerlady1122
    Day 5 done today, woohoo! Anyone else's knees bothering them? Mine started today. I had my husband double check my posture to make sure I was doing everything right and I am, so not sure why my knees are bothering me. :( Good luck everyone! I'm going for day 6 tomorrow - Sunday is my rest day.
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I am on level 1 day 8 I feel like it is getting easier. I only have a problem with some of the strength exercises. I am able to keep up with cardio and I don't have a problem getting off the floor.
  • kaydensmom12
    Day 5 finished today! I am getting better at the squats and push ups a little but still have some major work to do. I do not feel as sore and it felt like it went faster today. I have arthritis and my right knee did start hurting today, but it actually felt better after I exercised. Its been feeling better since I have been exercising regularly 1 month ago.