Welcome and Intros!

chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
Hi All! Let's start by introducing ourselves with whatever information we feel comforable with!

Name: Kate

Height: 5'5.5"

Weight: 142 as of this morning

Body Fat: 23-24% right now (based on handheld)

Dietary Restrictions: none really

Goals: 18-19% body fat, do 1 unassisted chin up (and eventually more), feel GREAT in a bikini

Where are you in NROL: Starting Monday!!!

Other info/background: I have been lifting heavy for over 6 months now. I started lurking around fitness athlete when it was on t-nation and got into the work outs. I got down to 21.4% body fat but have been off since then and I am ready to reach my fitness goals. I started MFP almost exactly a year ago at about 155 lbs and 29% body fat.


  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Kate, I think with your great stats and picture, you're a little intimidating!

    Not going to share all my info, but what I will share is that I've lost 24.5 lbs, and have another 16.5 to lose. I have done New Rules off and on, but haven't been able to stick with it. I'm attempting to give it another go now that I'm a little lighter.

    I think the program is fabulous, and I love how I can feel myself getting stronger!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Kate, I think with your great stats and picture, you're a little intimidating!

    Not going to share all my info, but what I will share is that I've lost 24.5 lbs, and have another 16.5 to lose. I have done New Rules off and on, but haven't been able to stick with it. I'm attempting to give it another go now that I'm a little lighter.

    I think the program is fabulous, and I love how I can feel myself getting stronger!

    Hi MeRoBi!

    The picture is just for inspiration! I can't do that/don't look like that but hopefully sometime :) Congrats on all your weight loss so far - that's amazing! I'm sure you'll get those last 16, though from personal experience I know the last lbs are definitely the hardest. I've been trying to kick them for quite a while now and have yet to succeed.
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    Hi all :) I bought the New Rules of Lifting for Women the other day for my Nook and am really enjoying reading it so far. I LOVE lifting. My best feature to me right now is seeing how much my arms and back have changed, lol. I tell my hubby I can be rather obsessed with my arms. Now, if I can just get the rest of me in shape, we'll be doing good!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Hi! I borrowed the book from the library, then recently bought it. I know strength training is important, and I really want to incorporate a strength routine into mylife. At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to get over the intimidation-factor of learning how to do the workouts at the gym.

    I'm 36, currently at 259lbs, and have lost 36 lbs in the past 6 months with MFP (oh - coincidence! LOL). I'm down almost 80lbs from my highest weight about 2 years ago.

    I've started the C25k running program and while I'm a long way from running a 5k in 30 min, I can jog for 10min stretches now. That's tremendous for me! I also like spin classes.

    I'm signed up for two duathlons this spring (3k run/18k bike/ 5k run), and a 5k Warrior Dash in August. I need the strength training to be able to climb walls and whatnot for the dash! I also want to get better at yoga (I'm terrible ATM).

    For more about me you can peek at my profile. :)
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessica

    Currently 5'6'' and 148 pounds. Scale hasn't been moving so I decided to go to lifting because what I really want is to look good and be strong. I'm having a hard time moving from the scale and eating more.

    How many calories are you all eating?
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Name: Emily

    Height: 5'6"

    Weight: 133

    Body Fat: 23.5%

    Goals: 20% body fat

    Where are you in NROL: Starting tomorrow (2/14)

    Other info/background: I've been lifting weights using machines for several years now, and my body has plateaued. So after joining bodybuilding.com, and seeing several different recommendations for NROL I got the book. While I am getting into free weights, I am also training for a 5K this May (want to improve on speed.)

    Jrditt: Fitnesspal currently has me supposedly eating about 1700 calories a day. Normally I have been eating 1500. According to NROL I should be eating 1961.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Hi all..Marlene here...just bought the book and looking to start it on Friday..once I read through it a bit.

    Name: Marlene

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 135 as of this morning

    Body Fat: 27% (based on last meeting in December with Nutritionist).

    Dietary Restrictions: Low carb, no processed foods. I have IR, PCOS, and hypothyroidism

    Goals: 23% body fat, do 1 unassisted chin up (and eventually more), feel GREAT in a bikini

    Where are you in NROL: Starting Friday 2/!17!!
  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    At my heaviest I was just over 300 lb. I've just ordered nrolfw and I'm waiting for it to arrive! I've lost some weight swimming, doing c25k and cycling but I'm still 269 lbs. I'm 5' 10". I lost a lot of weight before I had my third child doing a weekly weight lifting session with cardio on other days but put it back on with interest over the next ten years. Did a bit of body pump a few years ago, but life kept getting in the way. Anyway, now I have started losing the weight, I need to sort out my core muscles before I am left with saggy skin!
  • Leahnh
    Leahnh Posts: 30
    Name: Leah

    Height: 5'2"

    Weight: 137.8 as of 2/17/12

    Body Fat: 33.5% right now

    BMI: 25.2

    Dietary Restrictions: none

    Goals: 20 - 21% body fat, BMI 20 or lower & get in a bikini (hopefully by May)

    Other Info: I have Fibromyalgia so fopefully I'll be able to push through the program and see some results. Also currently doing the C25K program as well as some yoga per the physical therapist.

    Where are you in NROL: Starting Monday 2/27!!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    hi all.

    i did NROLfW for the first time about 3 years ago. I loved it. I gained lots of strength but i didnt really lose anything because i didnt change my diet. I ended up gaining lots of muscle though.

    I'll be starting it again on March 1 and am looking forward to it, this time I'll be doing it on decreased calories since I do want to lose weight.

    Here are my stats:

    Name: Mesha

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 208.3 (yeah i'll count those .3 lbs :laugh: )

    Body Fat: 36%

    Dietary Restrictions: gluten and wheat allergies

    Goals: 27% body fat, continue with my regular 1-2 lb weight loss each week, able to do 5 unassisted chinups by the end

    Other Info: I'll have to see what happens calorie wise since I wont be 100% following the program as it suggests you eat your maintenance calories. If I find I'n not able to get through the workouts or not making any strength gains, then I'll definitely increase my calories

    Where are you in NROL: starting for real Thursday March 1.
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    Name: Courtney

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: 181.0 as of this morning
    Body Fat: 31-33%

    Dietary Restrictions: none really

    Goals: 22% BF (zomg that would be neat!) Size 8 (not sure if that's possible, but I shall try)
    Where are you in NROL: Starting Sunday if all goes as planned

    Other info/background: Been on this journey officially since Jan 2, 2012. It's my first time being very serious about weight loss. my all time highest weight was 188 and I managed to lose 10lbs last summer. I gained some back and now I'm really on board with my health and fitness.
    Biggest challenge is finding time to work out - usually very good at getting to the gym, but sometimes life takes priority.
    Other challenge - eating well. I love sweets and other terrible foods. Working on it daily.

    I love what lifting does to my body but I have no idea what exercises to do...hence this program.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Welcome all! I am super excited to see more people posting here!
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    I just purchased the book and should have it by Tuesday.
    I have been on a 4 week plateau and I think this is my answer.
    I have lost 14 lbs and am looking to lose another 35. However, if I weigh more, but look good in-ANYTHING- then I could care less what the scale says!
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    Hello Everyone! This is me:

    Name: Shanna

    Height: 5'3

    Weight: 205.6

    Dietary Restrictions: No dairy (I have a milk allergy)

    Goal: To be smaller, toner and fitter

    I don't know what my body fat % is.

    I have lost 24 pounds so far with MFP. I feel great and have more energy! I am ready to add some strength training into my routine. I am setting up my new weight bench today!! I am on the hunt for the book right now as well. I cant find it in the store soI may just have to order it online.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    Name: Stefanie

    Age: 40

    Height: 5'8

    Weight: 198 (finally back in onederland!)

    Body Fat: 39.4 according to my scale

    Dietary Restrictions: none

    Goals: to be healthier, not to be out of breath anytime I do something physical. To feel decent in a bathing suit (then I want to feel GOOD in one!)

    Where are you in NROL: as soon as I get the book, just ordered it yesterday

    Other info/background: I have been on MFP for about 3.5 months and have lost 18 lbs on here (had lost 4 prior to MFP). Originally I had only wanted to lose weight, but I have seen some very inspiring photos on here showing the difference between "skinny fat" and toned. I want to be toned! I have been "soft" my whole life, even before I was overweight. It's time for a change. I was so excited to hear about this book and this group!
  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    My copy of the book arrived on Friday. I'm going to finish reading and start soon, honest!
  • cindym29
    cindym29 Posts: 60 Member
    hi :)
    Name: Cindy
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 150 as of 3/14/12
    Body fat: 20.1% measured last week. hand held.

    Goals: lose 10-15 lbs. Do 6 pullups by the end of this year, finish a half marathon, and a mud run this year. I also plan on dropping my bf% to about 16/17%

    Also, I plan on getting NROL either later today or friday :)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Hey everyone! Feel free to add me if you see this, I would like some new friends that are doing the program :smile:

    Name: Megan

    Height: 5'3"

    Weight: 136

    Body Fat: 21-22% based on my caliper

    Dietary Restrictions: none

    Goals: 17-18% body fat, get rid of the fat that seems to have taken refuge solely on my belly

    Where are you in NROL: Starting Saturday! :)

    Other info/background: I am an ex-athelete. I used to swim in college and lifting heavy was always fun for me. That being said, 2 years later I have put on some extra weight and stopped with my normal exercise routine. Lately I have been very lost in the weight room because I got so used to having a (free) trainer tell me what exercises&reps&weights to do every time I lifted. I'm excited to get into a structured program. I also would like to get back into better running shape so I plan on running 2-3x a week on the off days.

    I was wondering what everyone's take on the calorie count is. I'm very concerned about eating 2000 calories a day. I still would like to lose 10ish pounds so I'm not sure how I could while eating that many. Is sticking to 1700 too low?

    All in all, I'm excited :)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey Mes,

    I posted about estimating my TDEE here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/532585-help-me-wih-my-tdee?page=1#posts-7453148

    That might help!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Sherri. I got inspired to start lifting after seeing several womens "success stories" on the boards. I purchased my book through Amazon and finished about 2 weeks ago but needed to figure out the workout patterns before beginning.
    Thats the only bad point about the book is the workout routine set up, its a little confusing. Other than that, I really like the book and have been really excited about lifting.

    I'm almost done with C25K and although I have not signed up for a 5k to do, I wanted to get something else going so I had a "plan" rather than get lazy and decide to stop working out altogether since I was about to finish C25K.

    I'm eager to make friends that are doing NRoL4W so I'm hoping this is the place I need to be.

    Height: 5'5"
    Weight 235lbs
    No idea of BF%, I'm due for an assessment. Hopefully will get it done soon.
    Dietary Restrictions: milk - lactose intolerant
    Goals: 60lb total loss by my birthday in July, 100+ lbs by the end of 2012 - will reassess at that time.
    Where are you in NRoL4W: Workout 2B tomorrow night