What belt are you?



  • vetboss
    vetboss Posts: 9
    I completely agree with you rachmass1 ! There is a beginner student I spar with frequently, and though he was never able to get to an advanced level, his strengths help me work on my weaknesses and vice verse. We just love the art of Kung Fu :)
  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    American Combat Jujitsu - Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) (American Jujitsu Association rank)
    Jujitsu - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) (Jujitsu America rank)
    Brazilian Jujitsu - Blue Belt, No Stripes (Mario Aiello affiliate)

    Nice to see so many fellow martial artists :)
  • CallMePat
    CallMePat Posts: 74 Member
    Hey Everybody

    I figured I'd jump in here.
    I trained some martial arts in high school and it never really stuck.
    I joined a Wado Ryu Dojo and have been training there for about 8 months. It a really traditional Dojo and I'm now an Orange Belt.
    About 3 months ago a joined another Wado School close to my home and recently tested in as a Purple belt. I now train at each about twice a week.
    Wado Belt System - White - Yellow - Orange - Blue - Purple - Green - Brown - Black. As far as Degrees/Tips/Candidates, they differ by School.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    I train in Tang Soo Do (Traditional Korean Martial Art), have been training for 3 plus years, I have obtained my 1st Degree black belt.
  • abbyaxiom
    abbyaxiom Posts: 33
    I dont currently train in a class but when i left the school after eleven years, i left a 2nd dan black belt. My sensei Grandmaster Roberts trained under a variety of well-known people including Adrien Emperado (one of the founders of kajukenbo), Ki Whang Kim, and Hwang Kee (Tang soo Do Moo Duk Kwan founder)...

    Our belts went like this:

    Yellow stripe
    Black stripe
    Then all the "dans" or "ranks" and so on..

    The original school has since closed. When my sensei retired and moved back to Hawaii, he left the school in the hands of a great martial artist, but not a great businessman. Black belt masters from our school have opened schools of their own teaching our original curriculum in VA, PA and OH. Also my sensei's son runs his own school out of MD.
  • Six6xiS
    Six6xiS Posts: 47 Member
    Muay thai doesn't have belt rankings, but I've been doing it for five years... The school where I started out would have testing for belts, it was just an in-school thing to separate the more advanced students. Their black belt tests are about 6 hours long. I started testing for black belt, but quit and joined another school when the owner went bat****. And that's my story!

    Fight records are generally used as a gauge of skill level more so than belts in Muay Thai. After training Tae Kwon Do for a long time as I kid I see the testing for belts as a source of revenue for the school more than anything.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm an Orange belt in Tae Kwon Do. I have had two testings so far, and scheduled to have my third (for Green Belt) at the end of this month.
  • nostripewhite
    nostripewhite Posts: 53 Member
    I have a blue belt in BJJ, but I've only trained a handful of times in the last 3 years. The last time it was with a very good blue belt, a very good wrestler and an absolute novice. I did fine with the novice, split about even with the wrestler (he crushed me while on top, I eked by while he was on bottom) and was worked over quite a bit by the blue.

    Miss it, but there's no time for it these days :(
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    BJJ Purple
  • iamcheryld
    Hello! I just tested for and passed my test for 1st Dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do with Yong In Martial Arts. My school consists of 10 belt levels before reaching black belt which took me a little over three years to make my way through. It is nice finally reaching black belt, but I know it is only the beginning. :)
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
  • RaleighRonin
    RaleighRonin Posts: 14 Member
    I am a green belt in Judo and a White in Karate. Was about to test for brown before I got injured.

    Standard Judo rankings. White Yellow Orange Green Brown Brown Brown Black

    Our Karate instructor just does White Green Brown Black.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    Before I had to stop, I was a green belt in Goshin Ryu karate, a green belt in Judo, and a green belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which is pretty much just a glorified white belt, I know.
  • rainbowcarrie
    rainbowcarrie Posts: 19 Member
    Tae Kwon Do (AIMAA). Green belt. I train with Grandmaster Ameris in Pittsburgh. Green belt is 4th level - white, yellow, orange, green. No notches, no stripes. You test when they tell you that you are ready. Some people may be 2 months, others may be 6. It's not about how many classss you attend, it's about your skill level, what you have maintained, and when they feel you are ready to move to the next level. I love it! Sparring is probably my favorite. I also take a kickboxing class. I suppose I like to punch and kick things.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Tae Kwon Do (AIMAA). Green belt. I train with Grandmaster Ameris in Pittsburgh. Green belt is 4th level - white, yellow, orange, green. No notches, no stripes. You test when they tell you that you are ready. Some people may be 2 months, others may be 6. It's not about how many classss you attend, it's about your skill level, what you have maintained, and when they feel you are ready to move to the next level. I love it! Sparring is probably my favorite. I also take a kickboxing class. I suppose I like to punch and kick things.

    I'm going for my green belt at the end of the month. My instructor has similar principles as far as testing is concerened, but he does take into account how many classes you attend. Obviously he won't test you if you go once a week. He feels that if you go at least 2-3 times a week, that you'll absorb the forms, techniques, as well as have the cardio for when test times comes.