Welcome Everyone!



  • tigg17
    tigg17 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Sigrid, I'm 34, moved to British Columbia from Nova Scotia two years ago and have since gained about 20lbs! I went from a very busy, active lifestyle to a sedentary job, living in a city where I don't know anyone (and I am quite shy!) I had noticed the weight change, but have just now made the commitment to do something about it! And after 16 years I have stopped smoking!! Yay!! (I know an "active smoker" seems like an oxymoron but I somehow did it...even took Kinesiology at University!) Anyhoo, I'm really looking forward to doing this with everyone; I'm sure having friends out there will be a huge motivator!! Good luck to all!
  • Hey guys:)

    Im steph, 20 years old and a new mum. Ive always been a bit overweight, but like lots of others, I over ate during pregnancy, and now need to shift it as im not comfortable in my own skin. I did the 30DS for the first time today,and honestly it killed me. I dont have any weights yet, so couldnt do everything properly, but it has made me realise just how out of shape I really am! By the end of the 30 days, I want to be able to get moving without being out of breath, and have at least some definition to my stomach, instead of the current flabby mess!
  • Hello everyone:-} My name is Linda and I am a 43 year old wife and mother of an 11 year old boy. I am 5'5" and highest weight has been 222 (Dec 26, 2011). I am currently down to 208. Funny part is the first of Dec, I only weighed 201. I put on just over 20 pounds and No I did not over eat during the holidays. My hips have been hurting me really bad and I decided, it is time to do something about it. So with doing this, hopefully it will help keep me motivated to keep it up for more than just a few days. I hope to take my life back from aches and pains. I would also enjoy getting off the medication I have been taking for the last 10 years.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • How do you log in the exercise for the 30 day shred?
  • Sherona
    Sherona Posts: 55 Member
    Hi My name is Sherona and I live in Kingston Jamaica. I am 32 years old. I grew up pleasantly plump but in 2003 i lost weight and was at my goal weight of 130 - 135. I maintained that until got pregnant is 2009 with my first child and gained 75 pounds. After a year i lost 65 pounds and then i got pregnant again. This time i gained 45 pounds. I had my daughter 6 months ago and i have lost 42 pounds to far. I have about 13 pounds to loose to get to get to 135 and i am very motivated. Cant wait to do the Shred. My belly is a mess after 2 c sections.
  • mom2jrn
    mom2jrn Posts: 40
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Janet, 29 from Virginia. I have 3 kids, 6, 4, and 20 months and want to lose weight before I turn the big 3-0. That's not until November but I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit this summer and since we don't plan on having any more kids this is the first time I actually have time to work on losing the weight. My husband is also using MFP and we started at the beginning of the year.

    I've tried the 30DS before and didn't make it past a few days but like the accountability with a group. I'm going to give it all I've got!
  • I have been entering it in as circuit traing as suggest by other fiends. :smile: And I can't wait.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi :smile:
    My name is Suzanne.I'm 48 years old.I have 7 children ages 27 (He's getting older not me LOL) down to age 8.It's nice to meet everyone. I'll do the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels in February now with you all. I think this will be good until I get Jillian Michaels 90 day program Body Revolution.I want to that in March so the 90 day program is done before the kids get out of school for the summer.
  • Nyeesha
    Nyeesha Posts: 54
    hello everyone!!!

    My name is Niesha.... Nyeesha on here though lol :) . I am 28 years old. I have no kids our husband.. Just lil ole me. I lost about 25 total last year. but I just mostly ate right. This year I'm hitting the gym hard with a goal of 100 pounds by christmas... My christmas present to me!! I weight 350 now. up to a yr ago life was stressing me out and I gained 95 pounds !!! In two years. I have always stayed at no more than 280 . I have always had so much muscle mass that 280 looked more like 180-200 to people. So im trying to get back to the old but good me! I'm ready for the challenge! Any of you can add me as a friend as well . I dont but my dvd until tuesday ..anyone know what other workout equipment I need to purchase ?
  • missmarts
    missmarts Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm new to MFP and loving the community. I ordered Shred yesterday I hoping it arrives by 1st Feb to get started.
    I'm in the UK, 35 with 60lb to lose.
  • DinaRobin
    DinaRobin Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzanne. I'm 38 with two kids aged 5 and 2. I've been doing the shred 3 or 4 times a week since Christmas, but I'd like to join you in doing it every day for 30 days. I've had some good success so far, so know it works.
    I'm in the UK and am 8 pounds down so far with about 40 to go.