Introducing myself, looking for new friends!

Hi, I am new to MFP and I am new to diabetes...recently diagnosed w/ T2. I am looking for friends that share the same diagnosis so I can see what is working for everyone else. If you are interested in sharing your journey please send me a friend request! Thanks so much!!
Good luck to all that have been diagnosed with Diabetes...My endocronologist has put me on a 30 gm carb limit per meal and that is quite a struggle for me!! I am open to meal suggestions! Open to looking into what is working for everyone else...


  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    I just joined this group today. I've struggled the past several years with control my bs. At one point I lost 85 lbs but my diabetes got much worse. I've unsuccessfully tried different oral medications over the years and am on one now that seems to be working well. I've been trying to research all the other effects of being diabetic and being healthy such as the impact on fitness, losing weight, building muscle, protein/carb/fat balance etc. My belief is if you follow all the advice for losing weight and being healthly that non-diabetics follow on MFP the suggestions will fall short for diabetics. How the body processes carbs, protein and fat in someone without it and with it differ. So my research continues.
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    I was diagnosed last July with T2. I've lost 25 pounds without knowing what I was doing. Finally got with an endocrinologist and have been struggling since. I have my good days and my bad days. There are times I'm psyched because things are going so well then there are times I just want to throw in the towel. Everyday is a new challenge. I'm glad I found MFP because at least now I get an idea of what calories/carbs/fats I'm eating everyday. I can adjust my diet and I can also see what's spiking my sugar. 30 carbs a meal is hard. Actually, that's what I was doing only to find out I can go up to 45 a meal. I try to eat fewer carbs and more protein at night. Still having problems with my morning numbers. My A1c is 6.2. It was 6.0. The doctor doesn't seem to have a problem with that but to me, if normal is around 5.7, then I want to be there so I don't cause any harm to the rest of my body. Sending you a friend request. I could use a few myself.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I joined the group a few weeks ago and have met some great people. I'm definitely looking for more diabetic friends as this is a really big thing to have in common. I'll send you a friend request. Anyone in this group, please feel free to friend me.

    Mahutch1: I too would like my A1C to be in the high 5's but I read an interesting article that was published within the past year and it has me wondering. The article stated that new research has linked a higher risk for heart disease in diabetic patients with A1c levels less than 6. I think this is why the doctors are ok as long as our A1C is below 7. Bigbeardiver is correct, what works for non-diabetics doesn't work exactly the same for us. If I can remember where I read the article, I'll let you know. But it was definitely a trustworthy source. I'm striving for 6.0-6.2. I figure that's a good compromise, lol.
  • jlong7774
    jlong7774 Posts: 64 Member
    I have been on MFP since October (2011) but just found this group. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support.