Did everyone have a good week?

I hope everyone saw a few pounds disappear this week!!! I did and I feel pretty good about it! I gave myself a cheat meal last night. After almost 3 weeks of the BFC I celebrated with some chips & dip, a piece of pizza and a few glasses of wine. I was still pretty much in line with the BFC just went over my carbs a little. Not too worried about it since I'm exercising hard every day. I was still down 1/2 lb this morning. (told myself I was only going to weigh in every Friday, but wanted to see what the scale said after my cheat :) )
I hope everyone is feeling good and has another successful week!!!

Hugs ~ Kristie :)


  • Hi,

    I didn't loose or gain pounds, but I did loose another 1/2 inch. Will keep going :0)
  • lovelymamu
    GREAT JOB!!!!! I didn't lose anything this past week. I was kinda bummed, but I do feel like I've lost inches. It's weird how that works! :)
    Hope you have another good week!!!