How alone are you?



  • Cindy68164
    Cindy68164 Posts: 38 Member
    I would love to snuggle up with someone, but also love having the whole bed to myself.

    I would love to cook and have someone eles clean, or vice versa, but also love having what ever I want, when I want it.

    I would love to share the couch with someone, but I also LOVE having complete control of the reomote.

    I would love to pamper someone for taking out the trash, shoveling the snow, mowing the yard, cleaning the gutters....but God made me efficient enough to take care of those things myself, so until He decides I need a break, I'll just have to keep doing them myself.

    I would love help raising my daughter, but only the right man can have that job!
  • Cindy68164
    Cindy68164 Posts: 38 Member
    :cry: :sad:
    I miss the cuddles, I also feel like **** when I can go all day and not get a single text msg or phone call from anyone. That really stings like a bi-atch.

    ^^^^^this fits me perfectly too!

  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    I don't generally have time to be lonely....have 2 little girls who live with me the majority of the time and they keep me on my toes. However what I DO miss about a relationship/marriage is having a partner in life - having someone to make major decisions WITH me. Having someone to talk about my day with. Someone to pick me up when I'm feeling down. Someone to pamper and cook for. Of course, I'd rather deal with those things than be in the miserable marriage I was in with someone who constantly put me down. Oh, and having someone to cuddle with would be REALLY nice!
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    More often now then not.

    I am busy with my kids, and of course they are my I'm not going to settle for a 'doomed' or unhealthy relationship for the sake of having company.

    That being said, I recognize that my kids won't be home 'forever', and honestly, the idea of being alone for life scares me, My dad never dated anyone after my mom and him split, and I always felt horrible as he's a great guy.

    I see couples on the transit, or in the stores holding hands, snuggling up, laughing.....and I miss it. I loved my marriage and was 100% committed to it. I'd like to have that feeling again.

    I hope it happens, but I'm starting to lose faith. The next relationship I'll probably have is in the nursing home playing 'footsie' with the guy in the wheel chair across from me.


  • emilysheafit
    emilysheafit Posts: 23 Member
    I only feel alone when I have those off days and I just want that someone to talk to. Also, I work 12 hour days so when I'm working and I get bored I miss having someone to text throughout the day, makes it go by sooo much faster!
  • barefootkandi
    I don't really get lonely too often. I guess because I have a pretty active life. But I do miss living with someone to have sex with whenever.... tmi I know. I also miss not having someone to cook for or just to be there to watch movies with. Or on snowy days to go out and play in it or road trips! There are things I miss but other days I like to have me time.

    But I much rather be alone then to be miserable with someone for the sake of not being alone. I already did that once and never again.

    Yep, this is me too. The things I miss are nothing compared to the freedom to just be myself. The next relationship is going to have to be mutual acceptance of who we are and who we become instead of a one-sided constant demand to change who I am, and if the acceptance isn't there, alone is better.