Day 1

Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
Who has completed day 1? What did you find hardest?


  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm doing my day 1 in half an hour - Meep!!

  • PrincessGlitterTush
    I attempted to have a go at it yesterday and completed the first circuit. I hadn't eaten yet though and felt like death - so I stopped.
    I have done level one before - I think I went up to D16 and stopped.. (NOT THIS TIME THOUGH)

    The hardest part for me when I started was the cardio - I constantly wanted to give in.
    Now it has to be the squat and shoulder press combo - the squats are fine.. BUT not the arms..
    And also the last minute of ab work.. I huff and puff like its nobodys business..

    GOOD LUCK everyone. :)
  • robynelaine77
    Day 1: complete.

    The hardest part for me was the jumping and the lunges. I don't have an ACL in my left knee, and terrible arthritis in both knees (I know, horrible for only being 27), so I took it very easy today and completed about 75% of the workout. I liked the arm exercises- they feel like jello already! :)

    Good luck, everyone! Rock it out!
  • MisstoMrs2012
    I've done mine for the day :-)

    Got to be honest I find the Jumoing Jaks the hardest!

    At the end ones I reverted back to skipping rather than the last set!
  • rachellew05
    I recruited my 17 year old daughter to do it with me and we started last night since she is in school during the day (just can't do the early morning!!). We about died! We watched it ahead of time just to get a bit familiar with it and it didn't seem too bad just watching them.... Well, of course it looks easy when THEY do it! They're in shape! We were surprised by how challenging it was! I'm feeling okay this pain yet. I think the cardio stuff...jumping jacks and the jump rope move were hardest for me! Also, with the floor exercises...they were on to the next move before I could even get myself up! It was a pretty humbling experience! I'm so looking forward to seeing the progress and building up the strength to have it not be like it was last night. :-) Looking forward to Day 2!
  • angelvicki1999
    I've been doing in for almost a week and was on day 5 of level 2 yesterday. It's still killing me. I couldn't get motivated to get out of bed this morning to workout, I need to do it when I get home. Wish me luck!
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    Although i am a few days ahead of you guys, the push up are the hardest for me due to a tendon surgery I had on my wrist a few years back. Other than that I think I may have level one down & am thinking about trying level 2 tonight to get a feel for the moves when I do it tomorrow morning.
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Day one completed.

    I always find the pushups the hardest thing on they I cannot do them properly no matter how hard I try so I have to do my own version on that, but everything else is pretty much ok although the arm exercises always make my shoulders hurt. Bring on day two tomorrow. Still got my netball training tonight and walking to do the school run do mon is a good exercise day for me.
  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 473 Member
    The jumping jacks r killer!! I suck at pushups, and the very last ab work is the hardest for me!! My arms are sore cuz i started yesterday:grumble:

    But enough griping here!! getting ready for D2 in a little bit:wink:

  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 473 Member
    Options L1D2 is DID:drinker: Feeling really good 2!!

  • TonyaCrego
    TonyaCrego Posts: 59 Member
    Day 1 completed! Hardest part for me is doing all the arms. They get so heavy after so many reps!!! Ugh! Not as bad as i expected tho :)
  • TonyaCrego
    TonyaCrego Posts: 59 Member
    Day 1 completed! Hardest part for me is doing all the arms. They get so heavy after so many reps!!! Ugh! Not as bad as i expected tho :)

    O and I suck at push ups! LOL I think i did 10! :(
  • kjsuds
    kjsuds Posts: 10
    Ok, so I will be doing day 1 tonight after Zumba, and after my kids go to bed.. Never done this guys are scarin' was worried I wouldn't get the DVD in time, but it arrived today...We'll give it a shot I guess!
  • kellymcampbell
    I find the side lunges with anterior raises the hardest. I have to use only one weight for those ones, just holding it with both hands, and I still sometimes have to just do the lunges and stop the weights for a few seconds.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I find the side lunges with anterior raises the hardest. I have to use only one weight for those ones, just holding it with both hands, and I still sometimes have to just do the lunges and stop the weights for a few seconds.

    I had to do that for part of the side lunges too. After all the blooming push ups etc my arms were killing!!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Day 1 level 1 Done!!! :happy:

    I find the push ups really hard but I expected that because I have no upper body strength. They'll get better though!!
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    I started the 18th I think but I always hate the first strength circuit. I hate pushups and those squat press things kill my arms too! Then I have to do pushups again!
  • bettybee23
    bettybee23 Posts: 5 Member
    I completed Day 1 this morning. Push-ups are always a challenge and I cannot wait for those to get easier! I also found the segment where you have to get up and down so quickly challenging as well. I have STARTED this program before and know that it does get notably easier by the fourth or fifth day. That being said, I'm not sure I have ever made it to the second level but being in a group makes the journey feel different...I know I can make it to the end this time. Great job to everyone!!
  • shayjgordon
    shayjgordon Posts: 90 Member
    day 1! the push ups were the hardest for me, and the last ab workout. I didn't have weights with me though (have to go buy some tonight) but I still did the movements and I still felt it!
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    squat/press are hard due to shoulder damage. I'm ending up using weight in one hand and just the movement in the other

    jumping jacks and rope skipping are a bit hard but I'm figuring out how to do without bothering my back so much.

    the rest I'm OK with. I don't mean they're easy, but they are do-able and I can complete them. Well, mostly complete them........