Monday Check In



  • aprilh123
    Hello all. I am a yo-yo dieter and have been over weight since age five. I don't remember a time that I was not trying to lose weight. I am married to a wonderful husband and I have two children. As I have read in other posts I also work full time and have lots of baseball, karate and kickboxing classes to attend. I have been going to fitness kickboxing since September of last year. The classes are very hard, pushups, jumping jacks, weight training (3 days a week), squat thrust and many other difficult exercises. You would think since September I would have lost at least 20 pounds but instead I have gained 15 pounds over the holidays. While I enjoy the exercise and I feel like I have increased my fitness level, I still can't run a mile because my weight is so high that my poor feet and ankles can't take the pressure. I am currently at 255 and my goal for 2012 is to loose 50 pounds. I would love to do more but I feel like with my busy lifestyle, family and other responsibilities it is a good goal for me. This averages to be four pounds a month. My main problem is food. I am a food addict. It is very hard for me to stop once I have started to eat something. I get mad and very irritable if I am denied something. I don't know how to stay positive and stick with the diet portion. I exercise four to six days a week so I have that part down but the food is still an issue. My fitness kickboxing class is starting a Biggest Loser on 1/28/12 and it will last eight weeks. The winner will not only be based on the highest percentage lost but body fat and a fitness test that you must complete at the beginning and then again at the end. I am hoping this will give me the motivation to stick with the program and be accountable. This group will also help as I don't fee alone. I am starting today to log all my food and exercise in mfp. You can friend me to view my food diary.
  • jdragonfly
    Thanks for letting me know how to add a ticker wow when i left last night there was 5 members now there is more so happy :) glad we can find eachother to help motivate and encourage one another how was everyones day today?? I will catch up on the posts i just wanted to say ty for letting me know how to add a ticker ever place i go it says something about copy and paste and i can not figure it out lol...
  • jdragonfly
    Thats sounds good you will have to let us know how the weigh in and measuring goes..