Stage 1 Questions

poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
Okay, I have no idea if this is even going to make sense but here I go. I'm confused.

So workout A, exercise A has listed:

Workouts 1, 2 - 2 sets, 15 reps, 60 sec rest.
Workouts 3, 4 - 2 sets, 12 reps, 60 sec rest.
Workouts 5, 6 - 3 sets, 10 reps, 60 sec rest.
Workouts 7, 8 - 3 sets, 8 reps, 60 sec rest.

When I start, do I do 1 set of 15 squats, rest for 60 seconds and then do a second set of 15 squats and rest for 60 seconds and then move on to workouts 3 and 4 and repeat?

Thanks guys!!!


  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    My understanding: Stage one consists of 16 total workouts, spread out over several weeks. You do workout A eight different times and workout B eight different times, alternating them. So, the first two times you do workout A, you use the reps listed on the first line. Then you move onto the next lift. Once you get to the third time through workout A, you use the sets and reps listed on the second line. You aren't trying to do ten sets on one movement on the same day.

    Did that make any sense?
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    I believe that "workouts 1-8" refer to the number of times you do each workout in total over a period of 6-8 weeks. So, you are going to do Workout A eight times and Workout B eight times, but not in a row! :) So your Workout A will look something like this the first two days you do it:
    2 sets, 15 reps, 60 sec rest.
    2 sets, 15 reps, 60 sec rest.
    Seated Row
    2 sets, 15 reps, 60 sec rest.
    2 sets, 15 reps, 60 sec rest.
    Prone Jackknife
    2 sets, 8 reps, 60 sec rest.

    After you have done workouts A & B twice each, you will then move to the line where it says to do 12 reps (and hopefully add a little more weight). Does this make sense?

    Also, remember that you are going to be alternating workouts A&B. For example, say you do Workout A for the first time on Monday. Wednesday you would do Workout B once. Then Friday you would do workout A again, etc.

    Hope this helps clear things up a little...
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    No. Re-read pages 124-129.
    Your very first workout goes like this:

    15 squats, rest 60 seconds, 15 squats, rest 60 seconds, 15 push-ups, rest 60 seconds, 15 seated rows, rest 60 seconds, 15 push-ups, rest 60 seconds, 15 seated rows, rest 60 seconds, 15 step-ups with left leg on the step, 15 step-ups with right leg on the step, rest 60 seconds, 8 prone jackknives, rest 60 seconds, 15 step-ups with left leg on the step, 15 step-ups with right leg on the step, rest 60 seconds, 8 prone jackknives, done.

    Here's a video showing how to do the prone jackknives correctly to get the greatest benefit:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    No. Re-read pages 124-129.
    Your very first workout goes like this:

    15 squats, rest 60 seconds, 15 squats, rest 60 seconds, 15 push-ups, rest 60 seconds, 15 seated rows, rest 60 seconds, 15 push-ups, rest 60 seconds, 15 seated rows, rest 60 seconds, 15 step-ups with left leg on the step, 15 step-ups with right leg on the step, rest 60 seconds, 8 prone jackknives, rest 60 seconds, 15 step-ups with left leg on the step, 15 step-ups with right leg on the step, rest 60 seconds, 8 prone jackknives, done.

    Here's a video showing how to do the prone jackknives correctly to get the greatest benefit:

    Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed. I got a little confused after I read the chapter and then looked at the workouts. This clears it up for me.
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 569 Member
    Thank you for asking the question. I was a little confused too but kept reading it thinking "I should be able to get this what am I missing." Now I know. I wasn't to far off. :)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    No. Re-read pages 124-129.
    Your very first workout goes like this:

    15 squats, rest 60 seconds, 15 squats, rest 60 seconds, 15 push-ups, rest 60 seconds, 15 seated rows, rest 60 seconds, 15 push-ups, rest 60 seconds, 15 seated rows, rest 60 seconds, 15 step-ups with left leg on the step, 15 step-ups with right leg on the step, rest 60 seconds, 8 prone jackknives, rest 60 seconds, 15 step-ups with left leg on the step, 15 step-ups with right leg on the step, rest 60 seconds, 8 prone jackknives, done.

    Here's a video showing how to do the prone jackknives correctly to get the greatest benefit:

    Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed. I got a little confused after I read the chapter and then looked at the workouts. This clears it up for me.
    You're welcome! Feel free to send me a private message (click on my screen name) if you have questions on other workouts. I hope you love the program as much as I do. I've seen a tremendous difference in my body shape. Heavy lifting does a body good!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Also if you are still confused just go read the overall Stage 1 thread. That will clear up a lot of "newbie" questions you may have.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    FINALLY!!! Thanx finally found the answers I have been searchin for for over 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!