Having a rough day

Hello everyone. I was so excited to get online tonight and see so many new peope have joined! I look forward to participating in your weight loss success with all of you!
Well, I am having a rough day. As I mentioned in a previous post, I started the 17 Day Diet on January 16 so I am currently on day 9. I have been fairly much following it to the "T" and I am down four pounds. My biggest struggle so far is ensuring that I am drinking the 8 cups of water daily (this includes my green tea). To tell you all a little bit about myself, I am 5 foot 2 inches tall and was underweight until I had my third child. All through highschool and my early adult years, I weighed 96 pounds. After the birth of my second child, I had climbed to 116 and was a good weight for my height. I was healthy. After the birth of my third child, I began climbing weight until I plateaued at 183. I was stuck at 183 for a while and then I got pregnant with child number 4. After her birth, I was back to 183 and stayed there for several years. About five years ago, my weight climbed and I found myself stuck at about 197 for about a year. This year, I sadly watched my weight climb to 207. My biggest weight yet (even through my pregnancies). I am currently 39 years old. My children are 16, 15, 12, and 8. I work full time as a social worker for mentally ill adults. I am on my feet all day. My lifestyle is very busy. I am always on the go with the kids who are very active in sports. We travel a great deal with our youngest son who is a state ranked wrestler. Due to our busy life styles, we had slipped in to a terrible pattern of eating out quite often. Grabbing food on the go. Thankfully, none of my children are currently overweight. I have HBP and I am currently on medication to control it. I had knee surgery a year ago to repair a meniscus tear and have a lateral release. My recovery from the surgery was quite extreme and I was out of work for three months. Being laid up for so long certainly did not help with my weight loss. I am still limited on what I can do (exercise) but I am making the best of it. I also have a stomach condition similar to Crohn's and I suffer with IBS. Due to my stomach condition, one would assume I was be the size of a twig but it never works that way, does it? As I mentioned in a previous post, my metabolism is my major issue. I do not drink soda or coffee and I am not a huge sweet eater. To be completely honest, I am not a big eater at all. I was known to skip meals and often eat one meal a day (lunch which usually consisted of a deli sandwich with chips or soup and a fruit). I am hoping to lose 80 pounds. This is my goal which would bring me back to 125 pounds.
Today has been a rough day. I was up most of the night with a three (yes three) sick children. The flu has hit my house and I have two with bad headaches and vomiting and another who was diagnosed with strep last Thursday and is still not 100% well. I myself am feeling run down. I took a sick day from work today and being home all day has been hard. I did very well all day until this evening and now I am finding myself craving foods I know I should not have. I keep looking at the banana bread that is laying on the counter top that my son's girlfriend brought over the other day and I am repeatedly telling myself not to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the kids. On the way home from the pediatrician's office with my son who has strep and my oldest daughter who had to get her allergy shot, we stopped quick to feed them an early dinner because they were both hungry. They wanted to stop at the pizzeria. I was good and ordered a tossed salad for myself. But I ended up cheating and ate a VERY small slice of pizza (likely a whopping 500 calories right there)! When I calculated my food diary on myfitnesspal, I am still under my 1200 calories per day but I am feeling terrible for cheating. And I am worried that now that I cheated once, I have made it all the more easier to do it again before the day is over. If I make it through the night without baking those cookies or digging into that banana bread...it will be a miracle! : (
Here is to positive thinking and getting back on track. One VERY small slice of pizza is not the end of the world. I cheated and now I need to move on and do better tomorrow. I can do it....thanks for letting me vent.


  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Sorry your having a bad day! I hope those babies get well soon. First of all, why are you only eating 1200 calories? Have you ever heard the saying, Eat more to lose weight. You like me have probably ate around 2500 to 3000 calories a day without even knowing it. To get the results you seek Go down to around 1900 calories a day of wholesome foods. Vegetables lean meat whole grain and fruits. Dairy may not be a good choice for a person that has ibs. Excerise at least 5 times a week. And you will see results quickly. Eating only 1200 calories. Your body thinks its starving so whatever you put in your mouth will turn to fat! Eat more. Try to eat 5 times a day. Try to eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism running. As you start to lose then start to reduce calorie intake. Your results will happen. I started in oct 2011. At 243 pounds. I am currently 201.5. I started eating 2100 calories a day and every 10 pounds I lost I gave up 100 calories. I currently eat 1600. But I plateaued 3 weeks ago so I dropped down to 1470 and changed my workouts. I am starting to lose onvce again. Don't beat yourself up on making mistakes it will happen. Just forgive yourself and get back on track. I hope this helps. And start eating :smile: good luck
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member

    Hi there i am sorry to hear you are having a rough day water has been one of my issues as well i think if i didnt chug chug i would never get it down lol.. Do not get discouraged losing weight is hard with my first pregnancy i gained over 60lbs and it never came off and then i got pregnant again a few years later and put more weight on i hit over 300lbs at one point and it almsot felt like i ate the skinny me lol.. Eating out can be anyones downfall HOWEVER if you are the type that you do eat out and it makes it a bit easier than just try to make smarter choices instead of opting for mcdonalds go to subway instead of getting a pop have water just do the little things and as long as you are moving and eating you will lose that weight having great support and people who understand what you are going through it makes all the difference in the world .... You can do this but you have to remember you need to eat to lose weight otherwise your body is going to go into starvation mode and store all that fat in your body and that is something you do not want.. You have to remember you are human that those temptations are going to be there you can not go through this thinking i cheated so im failing having that slice of pizza just means you have to train your body and your mind into thinking you dont really want that slice of pizza but that you are indeed human that the craving for that pizza is always going to be there.. pick yourself up dust yourself off remember each day is brand new with a fresh start you can do this and you will do this just see that you are making great achievments already you could of said nothing about eating the pizza but you did you held yourself accountable cudos to you for doing that... It will not happen over night but you will get there i know you will .. :)
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there very well said i could not agree with you more eating every 2-3 hours i used to thiink was crazy but now i see i need that.. very good post very postive thank you for reaching out ... cutting calories and picking up exercise will lose those lbs but i am curious why when i punch in my exercise on the exercise part does it than say i need to eat more calories lol. I DONT WANT TO lol..
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi there very well said i could not agree with you more eating every 2-3 hours i used to thiink was crazy but now i see i need that.. very good post very postive thank you for reaching out ... cutting calories and picking up exercise will lose those lbs but i am curious why when i punch in my exercise on the exercise part does it than say i need to eat more calories lol. I DONT WANT TO lol..
    . Your daily goal is based on you doing no excerise. If your excerising your need for calories will go up. Eat the recommended amount of calories that your plan says to eat if your excerising. If you only eat what the plan says and you excerise and do not replace those calories you will fall under the recommended amount and you will not lose weight. Your body will feel its starving and will slow down your metabolic rate. You need calories for normal basic body functions like breathing body temperature etc. example .. If your plan says to eat 1500 calories to lose 2 pounds a week. They mean this without you excerising. But if it says 1500 to lose 2 pounds and you excerise and burn off 500. You will only be getting 1000 calories. Which is not good. You need to be at 1500 calories. So eat those calories. A good recommendation is to eat a meal high in protein after a workout. You will replace your calories but protein helps to build and repair muscle. If you eat 1500 calories and burn off 500. And not replace those calories you will lose weight but it will be lean muscle not fat. Vunderstand? Google basal metabolic rate. This will tell you how many calories your body will need to function correctly. Based on age weight and height. Your body constantly burns calories even when your sleeping.
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    hI there fixit thanks for explaining it to me lol i punch in my exercise my calories go back up thats a fat girls dreams of being able to eat more ROFL im kidding but it was kinda funny... I just did not get how they system changes it all but this site is sooo cool and i love it.. how is your evening going?
  • Hey there! Thanks for the encouraging words. My apologies for not posting yesterday. It has been a hell of a week between sick kids and work. My son had a bad allergic reaction to motrin on Tuesday night and I ended up in the ER that evening and then the Doctor's office the following day. Thankfully he is fine now. As if my week hasn't been stressful enough, I broke a tooth in half last evening (biting into a piece of grilled chicken breast). So, I spent this afternoon at the dentist. I sware, it has been a pure week from heck but sometimes these things happen! LOL

    In regards to my eating 1200 calories, I am currently doing the 17 day diet. I explained the diet in a previous post if you are not familiar with it. My calorie intake will increase on February 1 when cycle 1 is complete (first 17 days).

    I wish I could say that I am feeling better. I am physically exhausted this week. I just need to keep focused and move forward. Thanks again ladies!
  • jdragonfly
    jdragonfly Posts: 64 Member
    Hey there no worries i did not get a chance to post yesterday how are you feeling how are things going for you??
  • Despite my rotten week and set back, I am down a total of 7 pounds at today's weigh in!!! Excited to see the scale go down. Hoping this will increase my incentive to stick with this diet!
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Great job.
  • Hi everyone. I have not had a very good day either. Weekends are very hard for me. Friday when I got off work I went to my resistance class and then my husband and son wanted Wendy's. So I went and got burgers and fries for them and I ate a piece of trout baked in the over with olive oil, cooked cabbage and kidney beans. It was very good and I did not even crave the Wendy's. I could have gotten a small chili or a salad but I wanted to eat my fish and stick with it. Today, everything kind of took a 360 turn. My son had a pitching lesson this morning so we got up early and had a 40 minute drive to get to the lesson. Normally we would have gotten a biscuit, well truthfully.....we would have gotten a biscuit, fries and a soda from Bojangles. Yes, I am from the south and there is nothing like a Bojangles biscuit and fries!! Anyway I made the kids eat breakfast at home with the promise we could eat lunch out. Well after the lesson and a trip to Sam's my lovely children wanted Long John Silver's for lunch. I decided to get them something there and then go to Firehouse subs for my lunch. I got a sub on wheat with mustard and no mayo, baked lays and a bottle of water. Then tonight I had to bake a red velvet cake (my favorite) for a friend's birthday and since my birthday is Tuesday I made me two red velvet cupcakes. Well while they were hot I ate both of them. Happy Birthday to me! The cake had been taken to my friend's house and it is gone. Also for supper I had a filet (first red meat all week) baked sweet potato and salad with cheese and thousand island. Blew the diet in the last part of the day but my rewards are since Tuesday I have lost 5 lbs. Woo Hoo! I just hope I can keep it off and add to it next week.

    Signing up for the Biggest Loser competition tomorrow at my gym. I am ready. Everyone that does it has to contribute $20 and the pot goes to the winner. This competition is a little different than a normal one, it will be based on % of weight lost, body fat and physical fitness. Tomorrow I will be weighed in, my body fat will be measured and I will have to do six task for one minute to see how much I can do. Pushups, situps, suicide runs, round kicks among other things. I'm ready to get this started. I really will need some new clothes if I can loose some of this weight.

    One note about the water. I used to be addicted to Pepsi. I had to have it. I decided to start a diet so turned to water. Water is awesome. I love it. I like to drink my water without ice. I just like it that way. I crave it and drink it all the time. I don't log all the water I drink into the food diary because I can't keep up with it all. Occasionally I will have a diet drink but very seldom. I don't drink coffee and I hate tea. I guess sometimes it is just what you get used to:)

    I hope everyone has a better weekend than my day has been today. Make good choices, know your important and love yourself always no matter what.
  • "I hope everyone has a better weekend than my day has been today. Make good choices, know your important and love yourself always no matter what"

    I love this!!