Making Lists

AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
One thing that has always helped me organize my life is making lists. This sounds obvious, but I've devised a way to really feel good about myself using these lists. When I need to clean house, I tend to get scattered and jump from room to room, task to task, without focus. When I make a list of the things that need to be done, I am able to cross each thing off as I go, giving myself closure. What's my secret when I make such a list? I always add a couple things I've already done, just so I can cross them off and get the ball rolling.

How does this translate to MyFitnessPal? When I first made my ticker, I put my starting weight, 206, but I started working towards losing weight a couple weeks prior to joining this awesome website. Today, I decided to put 213 as my starting weight from January 4th, so now my ticker says "7 lbs lost" instead of "0 lbs lost." Much better, and in the end, much more accurate.

Now I've shared my secret to making a good list. Use this power for good, not evil. ;)


  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    One thing that has always helped me organize my life is making lists. This sounds obvious, but I've devised a way to really feel good about myself using these lists. When I need to clean house, I tend to get scattered and jump from room to room, task to task, without focus. When I make a list of the things that need to be done, I am able to cross each thing off as I go, giving myself closure. What's my secret when I make such a list? I always add a couple things I've already done, just so I can cross them off and get the ball rolling.

    How does this translate to MyFitnessPal? When I first made my ticker, I put my starting weight, 206, but I started working towards losing weight a couple weeks prior to joining this awesome website. Today, I decided to put 213 as my starting weight from January 4th, so now my ticker says "7 lbs lost" instead of "0 lbs lost." Much better, and in the end, much more accurate.

    Now I've shared my secret to making a good list. Use this power for good, not evil. ;)

    I'm a "list person" too. Apparently, we're both one of those people who makes lists, just to cross things out, but my reasons are slightly different.

    Rationalization of my irrational behavior... I'm a visual person, if I make a list and can see things I've accomplished already, that gives me motivation to do more. The more things on the "crossed out side", the better chances I'll finish the task.

    That might seem sad to non-visual folks, but honestly, what ever works for you, identify it and use it to do what needs to get done.

    I think what you're doing and how you're "manipulating" yourself is great. You've got a great attitude about it. No doubt you'll have much success in doing this.

  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hey I want to be like you. Everytime I make lists I get disappointed in myself when I dont finish it! But, I am part of an mfp challenge that asks you to write just 3 goals a day. This has worked for me. But I am still the Procrastination Queen.
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    I too make lists... I also carry a day to day diary with me which I put important things I need to do in!

    I do this not for any real motivation... just because my memory really REALLY sucks :P

    I too did as you did Istnlondry, I have only lost 2lb's so far here at MFP but my journey started over a year ago where I logged elsewhere and lost almost 25lbs... so my list is currently half complete, I hope to complete it here and finally cross off that last lb :)
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    I also make lists because my memory sucks and because I'm a visual person. (I always learned better in classes when I took notes.) Bekzness, it's awesome that your list is halfway complete! Good for you! And Istnlondry, writing down 3 goals a day is like making a mini list of things you want to do, and it's usually better to have 3 goals than like what my lists turn into... Sometimes, my lists take on a life of their own. And thank you, Katie, for your support! "Rationalization of my irrational behavior" ...haha that's awesome. I think that's one thing that everyone can relate to, but we need to do it in a healthy way... It's easy to try to rationalize eating two slices of cake! :)
  • TomsGirl86
    :blushing: I love to make lists...i don't just do it on occassion, i have lists about's a sick obsession and i don't care, haha.

    It's so bad, my mum bought me an A4 notepad where each page is entitled My List: Things To Do

    I also have a shocking memory and feel much better when it's written down, so i know it'll get done.

    I love to cross things off my list, but then it looks messy, so i need to write out a new, clearer list.

    My boyfriend laughs about it.....My name is Kayleigh and i am a list making freak :laugh:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    with the exception for today, Ive been actively attacking my early Spring Cleaning list.... its two pages long... I focus on one room at a time and sub-divide the areas I focus within that room.... I grab a highlighter and highlight the ones I complete... My tasks are about 2/3rds done.. but, today I took the day off.. .slept in to rejuvenate... I may attack the downstairs bathroom tonight because there isnt much left in there, but out of a two-floor/6-room condex, Im down to two rooms... and lists are my way of keeping myself focused...
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    with the exception for today, Ive been actively attacking my early Spring Cleaning list.... its two pages long... I focus on one room at a time and sub-divide the areas I focus within that room.... I grab a highlighter and highlight the ones I complete... My tasks are about 2/3rds done.. but, today I took the day off.. .slept in to rejuvenate... I may attack the downstairs bathroom tonight because there isnt much left in there, but out of a two-floor/6-room condex, Im down to two rooms... and lists are my way of keeping myself focused...

    that reminds me.... have some serious cleaning to start, too....

    thanks for the reminder!