
Amberflame Posts: 10 Member

Just wanted to introduce myself, I'm 38 and from Wiltshire and trying to lose looooaaaads of weight! Started January 1st and so far i have lost 11lbs I think. I have made a promise to myself that I will not be 40 and fat so now I have made it public your encouragement would be much appreciated!! :smile:

Best wishes


  • jdragonfly
    Hi there and welcome it sounds like you are doing so good that is great are you following a certain meal plan? What are you doing for food and exercise> I would love to get to know you more do you have kids?>>
  • mommyof4inny
    Hi there and welcome! (Sorry I am reading this a few days late. I had a crazy week and wasnt able to get online as often as I usually can). Welcome aboard on our weight loss journey! Like yourself, I have a ton of weight to lose (80 pounds). I am currently doing the 17 Day Diet and it is working. This is the first diet (I have tried many) that has given me results so I am feeling encouraged. Looking forward to posting with you and encouraging each other along the way!!
  • jdragonfly
    How are you doing amber?