:) Introduce yourself ! :)



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    HI, BeeJ here. I took hooping at the local community centre for two (12 wk) sessions, but found doing both hoop classes AND boot camp classes too much for the pocketbook.

    So now I am starting to practice what I already know on the back deck, including waist + exercise moves (toe tapping, walking, static lunges etc) and off-body stuff (LOVE that stuff! like a stage magician's illusion!) During the colder months, there is only room for stay-in-one-place waist hooping in one spot indoors.

    Why was I NOT surprised to discover a MFP hooping group, when I thought to look for one!? :laugh: I will be checking out the other threads here for any hooping challenges, exercise suggestions, tutorial tips etc!
  • LeilaniMassage
    LeilaniMassage Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all: I just joined this site for the food and exercise logs. I love hooping and bellydance. There's some videos of me hooping here http://www.youtube.com/user/leilanimassage/videos?view=0 Thanks for starting this group!
  • Diahann_Hughes
    Diahann_Hughes Posts: 58 Member
    I love power hoop its is amazing :) x
  • peace_frog21
    peace_frog21 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi all!! I'm Ashley (Indigo Sol Hoops is my hoop alter ego). I've been hooping for two years and it has made a huge difference in my life. I changed my eating habits in Dec 2011 and my only "exercise" has been the hoop. I put exercise in quotes because I don't do it for exercise really, it's just the added benefit. But, I found some old pics from back in college when I was about the same weight I am now and the difference in my body is amazing, and it's all because of the hoop. I will share those pics here: http://ejercicio2010.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/before-and-afters-sorta/

    I still want to lose another 40lbs to have my "ideal body" and I've just started making sure I get in more non-hoop exercise.

    Here's my extremely active youtube channel. I post vids all the time. www.youtube.com/roseevenstar

    It's great to meet other hoopers!! Yay!!
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Hey, MFP only gives me 40 cals burned for 10 minutes! Ten mins. is about all I can manage so far, mainly because of keeping my arms up. That's the hardest part it seems. Any tips for what to do with my arms?

    Anyway, hello. I've been at MFP for a month now. Not many pounds lost so far, but I can feel my back fat shrinking, the two blobs above my butt on either side. Yuck.

    I live in NYC where I grew up, have 3 grown kids, 3 divorces behind me, a demanding job, and a desire to look better and feel better. Before I joined I was completely sedentary. Now I exercise every night and more on the weekends, using kettlebells, weighted hoop, stationary bike, and take long walks.

    Tired tonight. Not too talkative but saying hi! I would totally be down for a new challenge if someone starts one.
  • Sickkandtired
    Hi. My name is Cathy . i just joined mfp . I started hooping 55 days ago. It started out as just some fun on my 47 th birthday. Went out and got myself a bigger hoop and now I'm addicted. I can hoop for hours. I love to hoop, my whole family hoops now. It is such great exercise. I have lost only 5 lbs but many many inches. I have never found an easy way to lose the belly , now I am just shocked at how quick my belly has shrunk. I have lost 8 inches in my top ab section! In only 55 days. My health was pretty poor now I have this energy that is unbelievable and I am so happy. I'm now making hoops so that when I have friends over we all have one! :flowerforyou:
  • moondancer2010
    moondancer2010 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Christina. I've been hooping for about 5 years. I love it so much that I became a Hoopnotica certified instructor last year. I teach hoopdance and hoop fitness classes 2-3 times a week, depending on the season. I started teaching so I would have people to hoop with because I couldn't find anyone. I love hooping and the way it makes me feel. I don't consider it exercise because I have way too much fun doing it. I can be having the worst day of my life and as soon as I step into that circle, it all falls away.
    I make and sell all kinds of different hoops from regular adult sized hoop to Infinity hoop to a segmented travel hoop that breaks down into 6 pieces. I love making hoops and I love sharing the hoop love with all who will put up with me telling them all about it, lol In the summer months, I hold a monthly hoop jam in my hometown and am trying to build a hooping community here. I'm not so great at the 30/30 challenges, but I love to cheer people on who DO do them :)
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    So happy to see all the new faces here! Feel free to send me friend requests, I love having hoopers as pals. :)
  • RalphthePutz
    RalphthePutz Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm Manda. I love to hoop! I teach hoop twice a week, hoop on Fridays at lunch behind work and take a class on Saturdays. Excited to find this group on MFP!
  • eilphabba
    eilphabba Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, i'm new to hooping... relatively speaking. i've never EVER in my life been able to pass by a hula hoop without picking it up and playing with it, but until 5 months ago, i never thought of doing anything else but waist hooping... dunno why it never dawned on me. anyway, here i am now, a lover of the hoop. i hoop every day if i can, i'm looking forward to the warmer weather, i'm going to bring my hoop to work and practice during lunchtime for sure!

    i'm working on isolations, weaves and transitions on and off the body now ... trying to find my flow in the dance part and struggling to keep my hands and arms flowing and not in t-rex pose. it's a work in progress and so much fun.

    happy hooping everyone! <3
  • MasqueradeShadow
    Hello. My real name is Aurora and I'm 21. I am relatively new to hooping but I have been practicing flow arts on and off for a couple years. I got interested in hooping right before I found out I was pregnant and waited until after I had my baby girl to start. I have been hooping for over five months and have been helping a friend learn as well. I have been working on intermediate and advanced moves such as body arm breaks, and foot passes. It is my favorite pastime and the exercise is just an added benefit. I can't wait until it gets warm considering I have a limited amount of space indoors for practicing. I try to hoop as many times a week as I can between being a first time mother and a soon-to-be-wife. So many changes!
  • katididittoo
    katididittoo Posts: 1 Member
    HI! im Kati i've been hoop dancing for about a year now! i have 4 hoops and my collection is growing. Im 14 years old and hooping is my new love. It really amazes people and it is a wonderful way to workout! I have started to teach my friends and my trainer!!!!! which is super cool cause I'm teaching someone who teaches fitness about fitness!!!!!!!!! i have some isolations and tons of other tricks down! thanks for having this group!
  • gigithegirly
    gigithegirly Posts: 9 Member

    I'm Jade and i'm 32. I have just got into hooping this week but i have fallen head over heels in hoop love. I'm still getting basic moves down and hooping in both directions but it's so much fun. I am looking forward to attending some classes with SaFire and to going to Spinout 2013. I may be new but i'm really excited about it.

    Feel free to add me, I would love some new hoop friends
  • tingle2
    tingle2 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello all! I love seeing that hooping is helping people. I have been hooping for a while, in my living room mostly ;) and I love it! For the workout and for the joy that it brings to me also. I always take my hoops with me when i go to events and they are always such a big hit. I love seeing the look on someone's face when I get them the right hoop and it's going around and around them, after they have gone on and on about how they can never keep a hoop up! It's so fun- I'm even starting to sell my hoops and getting a class together at the moment. It's exciting!!
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    Hello, I'm Jeanette and I just finish my first hoop lesson .Wow, what fun! I'm getting a hoop made with blues and green colors. How do I log in hooping as my exercise. I feel I did not work out as hard as Zumba.
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I'm Kata and I recently started hooping. I work in a library and do 15 minute hoop breaks when it's not busy on days when I can't get to the gym. I'm interested in learning more and doing challenges.
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    I just started Hooping myself. My family think I'm silly. I heard about Hooping from a coworker whose girlfriend Hoops. I needed a changed from my current workouts. Found a teacher along with a community. What's your story ?
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, I'm Kata and I recently started hooping. I work in a library and do 15 minute hoop breaks when it's not busy on days when I can't get to the gym. I'm interested in learning more and doing challenges.

    I just started Hooping myself. My family think I'm silly. I heard about Hooping from a coworker whose girlfriend Hoops. I needed a changed from my current workouts. Found a teacher along with a community. What's your story ?
  • cgarliepp
    cgarliepp Posts: 14
    Hi, I'm Caron, from Santa Barbara, CA. I have several adult hula hoops, but haven't ever really learned to use them well. I've recently joined MFP and this group. I'll look for some hula hoop videos on youtube, and I think I'll also look for some classes in town. I experience pain if on my feet for longer than about 10 minutes at a time, so I may not be able to do the longer sessions. But time will tell. I'd love to be able to walk while hooping, and to move the hoop up and down my body. I'll be 60 this year, and I'm trying to lose some weight and become more fit before then (November). Feel free to friend me if you're willing to also share your diary (I like to get ideas of what others are eating to stay within their calorie goals). Thanks, and happy hooping!
  • PaulaJo1954
    Hi, I'm Paula and hooping has been my passion for about 3 years now. I make my own hoops and bring a stack of them along to share anytime I go to an outdoor event. People unfamiliar with hooping think I'm awesome at it, but in truth I'm an intermediate hooper. I've really no desire to 'perform', just want to keep the child in me alive and thriving and share the joy.

    I 'discovered' hooping because I hate exercise. I was searching for exercise dvds to collect and mix up my routine so I wouldn't have to repeat the same dreadful exercise every day. Ran across the Hoopnotica instructional dvds and was intrigued. The rest is (my) history :) LOVE the dvds, have taken a class here and there and signed up for a couple of Safire's online classes as well.

    All in all, I'm new to MFP and looking to make friends with folks who understand/share my passion. If that's you, please friend me. Meanwhile, happy hooping!