Wednesday, 1/25/12 check in



  • mommyof4inny
    Sorry, can anyone share what this biggest loser challenge is all about? Thanks a bunch.
  • darlenestanley
    darlenestanley Posts: 72 Member
    My gym is doing a contest for the ones that want to participate to see who can lose the most weight in 4 weeks. We each put $20 into a pot and whoever wins gets the money and a month of free personal training. If the pot is $200 or more, there will be 2 winners.
  • mommyof4inny
    This sounds similar to the challenge that I participate in at work. I work in an office with five other women. Anyhow, we have our initial weigh in (which is kept track of on a computer) and we weigh in weekly. In the beginning, we all put in $2. Each week, we put in another $1 when we weigh in. If you gain weight then you put in $1 more for every pound you gained. We do the challenge for 6 weeks. At the end of the week, the person who lost the most (this goes by your start weight and is figured on a computer), gets the pot.
  • jdragonfly
    How was the weigh in??