Updates :) please all take part.

Hello!! :heart: so hows everyone doing?? hows the diets going and are we all getting good burns. any words of encouragement for members of our group who may be struggling,would you like to ask everyone for their advice or do u just want to say hello. Lets hear from members of the group and get a good conversation going...we can do this if we all support each other. happy chatting :flowerforyou: love from fuzz1980 ( Admin) :tongue:


  • SuCcERBuNcH
    SuCcERBuNcH Posts: 68 Member
    hi my friends :D
    i hope that your diet are going well , mine isn't :( , i have this exam and i eat alot when i study i can't help it :mad:
    so wish me good luck :happy: and the best for you guys and for fuzz to start this :flowerforyou:
  • ElizabethKathrynJ
    I'm doing pretty well. I am very grounded and disciplined with my diet on what I eat and how much I eat, and if I know I will be blowing it that day because of this or that I will plan ahead for it. (: It's going splendidly! It's been a week and two (9days) days since I truly started, and have lost 8 pounds in that time frame, but had lost three pounds before that. So, that makes it 11. I am very satisfied. (: Throughout my life I have tried to lose weight but never ever had any real motivation, but I had this dream that I weighed 120 and I looked amazing! That picture is still in my head and I am more motivated and grounded then I ever have been before!
    Well, good luck everyone!! You've got this!

    @Buttons; Try getting some low calorie snacks like (slimfast, weight watchers, etc) for your study time. I'm sure that will help alot!(: Good luck!
  • thewifie
    thewifie Posts: 2 Member
    I was rocking it the first few days, as always, BUT day 4-5 comes around and I quit logging everything and I start getting cravings...start losing motivation. Maybe just the fact of writing that down will encourage me to track it all today!!!
  • blueyez74
    blueyez74 Posts: 19 Member
    I think I'm doing pretty well! Except on work days where I am on my feet for 13+ hours for the day and depending on the patients, the stress load can be overwhelming and I look for the comfort food! plus I don't feel like working out before (have to get up too darn early) or after (I am wiped out!). I work 7 am to 7:30 pm (again depending on the day could be later) , would love suggestions!:happy:
  • TonyaCrego
    TonyaCrego Posts: 59 Member
    I was rocking it the first few days, as always, BUT day 4-5 comes around and I quit logging everything and I start getting cravings...start losing motivation. Maybe just the fact of writing that down will encourage me to track it all today!!!

    Me too! Today would've been day 5 on 30 day shred and i didnt do it! I was debating on doing it now but im not gonna get my hopes up! As far as diet...I am on Visalus shakes and was actually in the mood to EAT something so i just mixed the shake mix with some oatmeal! I am craving something tho (not sure what). Ugh...idk...i love the shakes for the most part and today is day 18 on them and today is the first day i have had an issue with cravings :(
  • Cheylaing
    im having a good week i think...even tho had 2 indians ha,,,,good thing is im making up with it on exercise and eating less other days,,,but all in all ma happy week upto now,,,,hopefully have a happy weigh in on tue night x x x your all doing great to and thanks for all the support x x x :flowerforyou:
  • alil2loveable
    alil2loveable Posts: 178 Member
    I have been in the dumps past week fighting a cold and hoping and praying it goes away quickly. Been to the doc have been put on antibiotics so just waiting for them to kick in. Good news haven't gained anything so that is a plus in my book.
  • Well this week has been great. I have really eaten well and lost a pound so far. But I have really been eating the veggies and fruits. and working out with my classes.