How much cardio do you do in addition to body pump?

I started attending body pump regularly at the beginning of January...I know, I know, I am one of those people. Anyway, I have been going every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Tuesdays and Fridays, I go to an hour long cardio class at the gym (kickboxing, zumba, etc). I try to do some sort of lighter cardio on Wednesdays or Sundays. Does that seem adequate? I used to only run or do the elliptical day after day. Needless to say, I would get burned out after a few months of that. I need something that keeps me on my toes. Anyway, any input would be appreciated since I am new to this type of workout. Thanks!!


  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Hey. I think it is difficult to say how much is enough - you will know I guess when you are doing it regularly and seeing results but not doing *too* much (that is a very easy trap to fall in with cardio).

    I do pump 3x a week (when I'm being good!) too, and usually do another class (combat, attack, step) 4-5 times a week, 6 if I'm not feeling too tired and can fit it in. I am constantly changing up my timetable though to find an optimal schedule which allows me to do everything I want to, and where I'm not too tired to give each class my all. Sometimes, because of the way the gym timetable is, I have to do cardio before pump, which is obviously not ideal and I don't feel that works well for me, so I'm having to break up my gym going into chunks. Which is fine, but not very practical in the long run so I can only do it as a short term thing.

    I think it is a case of getting variety into your workout so you can keep it up. Zumba and kickboxing sounds like a good addition to the weight training to me. But I think the great thing is that you are doing pump, which will definitely augment your fitness goals, it has with mine!