
Hi All,

After recently coming back from my honeymoon and starting a new job I have gained a few kilos. I was super motivated for two weeks and lost 4kg and then after that I just sort of gave up and have been sabotaging myself ever since.

How does everyone manage to stop themselves from eating that delicious crunchie bar, magnum ego, massive bowl of pasta (can you tell I am having some serious cravings!) ? And how is veryone staying motivated?

When I am motivated i don't have any problems but then i really struggle to get it back....


  • sam_gamgee
    sam_gamgee Posts: 138 Member
    I remind myself of the times when I've been racing around with my kids and had to stop earlier than I wanted to because I was puffed, or how I want to wear certain clothes without them being tight in all the wrong places. I find that I crave those things more than the food.
  • rlodin
    rlodin Posts: 19 Member
    i know this is a bit weird - but I go on youtube and watch a heap of Nike commercials! they are well produced, have great music and are really inspiring. You just have to remember not to go out and buy a heap of running gear after ;)

    Also, seeing fit people at the gym / judo motivates me.
  • fourbees
    fourbees Posts: 14 Member
    Book in a time in maybe 3 or 4 days when you will eat that thing you are craving. that way you can manage the rest of your food around it, you don't feel like you are missing out because you ARE going to get it, just not right at this minute!
    Plus by the time 'the day' comes, you may decide you don't really need it anyway :)
  • kimiebee
    kimiebee Posts: 62 Member
    I have a pic of the "fat" me stuck to my fridge....every time I want to eat the "yummy" sweet foods, I see this pic and it is a ;good deterrent and to keep me motivated...I have a really pretty dress I want to get into hanging on the outside of my wardrobe. It is a constant motivator.
  • Misdy
    Misdy Posts: 81 Member
    I come on MFP and read success stories - that helps. I also rationalise with myself and ask myself if I am going to feel better or worse after eating the junk food. If it's worth the taste and calories I'll go ahead and log it and work my *kitten* off later on. After doing this for a while it becomes a habit, I don't feel like I have to try as hard to be healthy anymore because it's normal now.
  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    Log it in to your food diary. I find it very motivating ....
    Also try to think of those treats as NON treats, they're just instant gratification, very short lived emotionally and do nothing for our bodies except stuff around our blood sugar and leave us craving more. It's a big, bad world out there trying to make us believe that junk food will make us happy lol.
  • JourneyToTheOldMe
    JourneyToTheOldMe Posts: 31 Member
    I have a pic of the "fat" me stuck to my fridge....every time I want to eat the "yummy" sweet foods, I see this pic and it is a ;good deterrent and to keep me motivated...I have a really pretty dress I want to get into hanging on the outside of my wardrobe. It is a constant motivator.

    What a great idea! I'm going to try that one :)
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    i know this is a bit weird - but I go on youtube and watch a heap of Nike commercials! they are well produced, have great music and are really inspiring. You just have to remember not to go out and buy a heap of running gear after ;)

    Also, seeing fit people at the gym / judo motivates me.

    Hahaha yes!! Gosh Nike are good at marketing.....but it works!
  • Log it in to your food diary. I find it very motivating ....

    I agree!

    I still eat pretty much whatever I want but I make smarter food choices because I am logging it. You can also make pasta and other high calorie meals lower in calories by adjusting the way you cook. I love the 'Skinny Taste' website. It's basically skinnier versions of food you love and still with pasta and cheese! It's an American site so you can adjust measurements etc.

    If I have a blow out of food, it motivates me to exercise more because I can see the calories added from exercise and don't feel so bad.

    Do you have friends on here to motivate you? Is your diary viewable to friends? Because I know my friends motivate me to log healthy choices and exercise.
  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    Not too many friends yet. Feel free to add me if you :happy: like. I'm female, 50 and live in Bris with 23kg to lose. Have been doing this for 2 weeks now and 2kgs down YAY!
  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    Think of yourself in a year from now, how do you want to look / feel ?
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    yep i log it into my food diary.

    after a while, i no longer crave it, and when I do, I don't binge.