Hi All

Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
Sorry I have been missing. I had to work in London plus I have been beating myself up I hurt my sholder as some of you know and I havent been able to work out in over a week and I was doing the 30ds and I have been starting a low carb diet but I have not been doing it 100% (or not even 60% to be truthful) ANYWAY I have decided I am starting the 30ds again tonight and wont stop till I am done with it this time! (I will have 1 rest day a week) I might start a group for it so feel free to let me know if you wnat in. I am going shopping tomorrow to stock up on low carb goodies so if you have any suggestions on "must haves" apart from Eggs and meat then please let me know. I will be on later to see how everyione is doing x Hope you are all well.

I will need help with the spread sheet if somone could help me out with it?? I would be very greatful

Thank you all for your help I have loved this group and am very proud of the people that are still doing it, you are an inspiration! x