About stress and hypothyrodism

tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
Well, my Naturopath has got me thinking -- not everything that's going on with adrenals, weight loss, sleep, etc. is necessarily caused by my hypothyroidism.

We have to be careful not to use hypo and hashi as a crutch - a catch-all that is the reason for all our issues. My doctor believes with me it is only half the story. He thinks my own Type-A personality is at least partially to blame. I'm very goal oriented, and will push myself to be successful at whatever I do: work, weight loss, exercise, etc. And then I put more stress on myself by pushing so hard and then more stress when I don't succeed.

He thinks meditation and calming myself will go a long way to releasing myself from these issues. Stress causes higher cortisol, which causes your body to hold on to fat because it thinks you are being chased by a lion. The fat causes me to reduce my calories (maybe too much?) and exercise ,like a demon. Maybe I am the lion???

He asked me to read "Leaves Falling Gently: by Susan Bauer-Wu, PHD. as a resource in reducing stressors and my response to stressors. I bought the book - maybe he has a point?


  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Possibly, stress does add to the increase of cortisol, which does lead to belly fat. I'm sure both factors are what is at play here. Also belly fat like that is VERY hard to lose as we all know. I think once you get everything situated with the new meds and all that you will start to see some results from your hard work and that will lower your stress levels. Also, I hear yoga is great....i'm afraid i'd be stuck in one of their positions and hurt myself but thinking of trying it any way.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    I realized a long time ago I can't blame my weight on my thyroid or other health problems. It is a combination of health problems, stress and the HAND TO MOUTH DISEASE.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I realized a long time ago I can't blame my weight on my thyroid or other health problems. It is a combination of health problems, stress and the HAND TO MOUTH DISEASE.

    LOL!! Well, I'm so bullheaded, I know I don't have hand-to-mouth disease. But it's part of my stress that I am so strict with myself!! I never cut myself a break! Geez...
  • seaglass2
    seaglass2 Posts: 192
    I guess it is food for thought. I would read the book and see if it relates to your life/situation - couldn't hurt.

    I am also a type "a" it's just the way I am wired and it has good and bad points.

    For myself, this is the first time in my life where I have less stress rather than more. My son is a young man away at college. I am not working (not by choice/the economy) and we've scaled down our lifestyle and with the exception of our mortgage have no debt.

    Basically, guess what I am saying is that everything is as under control as it can be in life and yet if you are reading my posts (and Terri I know you have) I am fighting for every ounce that is coming off.

    I think it all comes down to trial/error.
