My new plan (would love some buddies to join in!).

Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
Hello all!

I am new to the group but have been a Jillian fan for awhile. She kicks butt like nobody else and I love that the workouts go fast! I am very intrigued by her new one coming next month: Body Revolution. But, I also just bought a bunch of her other programs and am going to get through them before I buy this new one. So I came up with a schedule and put it down on my calendar to keep me on track. I workout Tuesday through Saturday because that is my husbands work schedule. I never workout Sundays (that is my rest/cheat day) and on the rare days I exercise on a Monday I'll do another of her DVD's or maybe pop into the YMCA and do something there. If anyone wants to join in here it is:

I'm currently doing RI30 so I have to finish that up first. This week I am doing week three and next week I'll finish up with week 4.

Then starting the following week:

Feb 7th to March 17th: 30 Day Shred (5 days a week, 2 weeks at each level).
March 20th to April 28th: 6 Week 6 Pack (5 days a week, 3 weeks at each level).
May 1st: Start Body Revolution. This should take me right up to our end of July/early August family vacation to NC and I'll have earned that week off from exercise and logging my meals. :)

If anyone wants to come along for the ride add me as a friend and let me know this is where you are from.. :)


  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Good plan lady
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    Sounds great. Good for you. I am a huge Jillian fan as well... Currently on my second day of RIN30... How did you find this work out? What were your results like!?
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi there! I'm on level 4 of RI30 this week (did day 1 today). I am only doing it 5 days a week and then I move to the next level. I didn't start taking measurements at the very beginning but in 2 weeks doing it I lost 2 inches off my waist, 1 1/2 off my hips, and an inch off each thigh (didn't measure my chest and my neck stayed the same). I'm down 4 pounds from where I started 3 weeks ago.

    As for where I first heard about RI30 it was last year on a message board I used to be part of on The for stay at home Moms. I think the DVD had recently come out and a bunch of ladies decided to do it and started a support group. I joined with them and we all got through the whole thing (that time I did 7 days at each level but I wasn't watching what I ate so I didn't lose any weight ...but didn't gain either. I didn't take measurements so I don't know what those results were).