Need help ASAP shopping tomorrow

Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
Hi all,

I am going food shopping tomorrow and want to stock up on esentials I want to go for it and jump right in so tell me whats the "must haves"


  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    The first thing you need decide is what type of low carb plan are you going to follow? There are a few out there and they do vary...I follow Atkins myself and you can find a list of induction friendly foods that you can print and take with you as well as the plan guidelines.

    Atkins is a wonderful LC plan and lots of success stories on their site at

    Best of luck on your journey...
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    Just new to low carving?

    You will need two things ..meat and veggies!

    For supper I always have a meat plus a cold veggie like a salad and a warm veggie like grilled asperagus

    Make sure you have lots of snack veggies ready in your fridge like grape tomatoes, washed celery etc

    I prepare about three days worth of protein at a when I grill chicken I do way more than I need for supper, so I can use it for lunch for the next few days etc

    A weigh scale comes in handy for portion size....if you are concerned about that

    Good luck
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks for that. I am planning on eating no more than 40g-50 of carbs a day and see how my body copes with that? I am new so if this sounds like the wrong way to do it please let me know :-)
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    I would suggest to pick up some eggs as well.....they come in handy :).I boil them to chop up in salads,make deviled eggs(use mayo.) or just eat plain as a snack.They're very versatile.
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Thank you!

  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks for that. I am planning on eating no more than 40g-50 of carbs a day and see how my body copes with that? I am new so if this sounds like the wrong way to do it please let me know :-)

    Remember....low carb is different than no carb!

    From personal experience....low carb isw quite easy....just omit cereal (including oatmeal), all bread, pasta and rice from your diet as an initial first don't worry so much about total carbs and total fat....just eliminating those items will result in great weight loss and really curb hunger.

    Stick with veggies and good protein....limit fruit....make sure you have protein at every meal including snacks!!!

    It is a bit of an adjustment figuring out what to eat at first...but after a short while it's easy! You will be so happy with the results a month from now! Let me know how how you do!!!

    Welcome to the "club"