Giving support.

Sine this is a support group for people losing weight, I thought I should blog about it. I just wanted to say that anyone can do it. I can do it, you can do it, we ALL can do it! Good luck and try your hardest.


  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    cheers and happy to support others as well as get pushed and motivated along my journey by others. My middle section is my current target zone and looking for ways to burn cals. Currently its the mountain bike. want to try Zumba with my 11 year old daughter also. Best of luck with your journey. MFP has been a great help to stay on track to lose 10kgs so far. Got another 5-8 kgs to go I think. Wont know til I get there! Best of luck matey! Cheers Louisa.
  • limepink93
    Zumba is a very fun game with a great workout. It gets sweaty so don't forget to have a water with you! Once it is warmer out by me, I will be biking around my town. Good job! And good luck! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT :D !