OMG, I can't breathe

idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
I have been sick since Wednesday afternoon. My daughter had a cold last week and I must have caught whatever it is, but it's way worse. My throat still hurts and it hurts to breathe. I was hocking up nasty green phlegm this morning. I'm not running fever but I do feel tired and weak. I haven't lifted since Wednesday and I thought I'd be able to do it tomorrow(Monday) but now I'm not sure. I barely have energy to move around. Not sure if I should see the dr or not. My husband always think I overreact when I'm sick. It probably is just viral but I hate feeling this way! I am not seeking advice here, I just really needed to vent. Happy lifting. I'll be participating in spirit!


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Ewwwww...I feel for ya! Same bug is going around here. PLENTY of FLUIDS to help thin the nasty gunk, and REST. Then rinse and repeat. Oh, and feel better soon!!!
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    ugh! hope you feel better soon. I think if it is getting worse, you should see a doctor. If it is improving, then okay to wait. hold off on the workouts for now because they are at such intensity.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I am trying to rest as I really don't have the energy for much of anything else. I am pretty annoyed that I can't exercise. I'm only 2 workouts into stage 7 and by time I am ready to work out again I will probably just start back at the beginning. Of course no exercise means I really need to watch what I eat. As it is I am on a 1200 calorie diet and that's really hard for me to maintain without the benefit of exercise. You'd think being sick would curtail my appetite, but it hasn't, lol. I'm just trying to stick with my eating plan and log everything.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Being sick sucks. Get better soon!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I'm not usually one to advocate running to the doctor but the difficulty breathing alarms me. Be careful and kind to yourself, get lots of sleep and nourishing food so it doesn't turn into pneumonia or bronchitis.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm not usually one to advocate running to the doctor but the difficulty breathing alarms me. Be careful and kind to yourself, get lots of sleep and nourishing food so it doesn't turn into pneumonia or bronchitis.

    It's not that I am having a hard time breathing, it just kind of hurts when I breathe and then I start coughing. But I do kind of feel a tightness in my chest. I really just hate feeling so lethargic. I'll probably end up seeing a dr tomorrow just to be on the safe side. I just want to get back into working out again!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I also find it VERY hard to maintain so little cals when not exercising. Maybe you can use a resistance band to do some arm curls on the couch or do some light stretching? It's better than nothing and will at least get your blood flowing a bit.

    When you start to feel better and can breathe, I think it's a good idea to push yourself to do a hard workout. I think of it as sweating out all the crap and I usually do feel better after. Just make sure you're already on the recovery and not still getting worse. I think 20 minutes is plently, just enough to really get you sweating.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well, I saw the dr. She says it's most likely viral and my chest sounds good. It still hurts to breathe and I still feel very tired and out of it, although today was a little better than yesterday. Yesterday I couldn't even get off the couch. At least today I did some laundry and after the dr I went food shopping. I do feel like I need to sleep though. I am nowhere ready to workout again. I can't even walk up the stairs without feeling labored. I hate that feeling.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    You are SICK, idauria! I think a prescription of liquids and rest is a really good prescription!

    Poor you!!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    You are SICK, idauria! I think a prescription of liquids and rest is a really good prescription!

    Poor you!!

    Thanks beeps!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I've been thinking about are you feeling?
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Still sick!!! I think I am a smidgen better than I was over the weekend but still far from 100%. I did manage to workout this morning but I cut it short because I started coughing. I was able to get in 3 sets instead of 4 so that made me happy. It still hurts to breathe and I am very stuffy. Whatever this is, it's taking it's sweet time getting out of here! Thanks for asking about me!
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    do you think it is the flu? did you get a flu shot? In any case hope you start feeling better soon. amazed you were able to work out at all.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Feel better soon!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    do you think it is the flu? did you get a flu shot? In any case hope you start feeling better soon. amazed you were able to work out at all.

    It's definitely not the flu. But it's not just a regular cold either. This thing is really knocking the wind out of my sails though. Even today I am still feeling pretty tired and still coughing. I didn't sleep well last night so that's probably why I am extra tired. I am going to try to workout again tomorrow or Friday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I had my daughter at the doctor yesterday (on an unrelated matter) and the doctor said the type of virus you (seem to) have, idauria, is resulting in coughs that are lasting 6 - 8 WEEKS!!

    Oh my gosh.

    It sounds like quite the bug!!

    You just need to rest. Keep your fluids up. And trust that ALL the fitness/exercise you have been doing these last months has created significant muscle memory so that, when you get back to it, you'll ramp up VERY QUICKLY!!

    Feel better!!!!!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I had my daughter at the doctor yesterday (on an unrelated matter) and the doctor said the type of virus you (seem to) have, idauria, is resulting in coughs that are lasting 6 - 8 WEEKS!!

    Oh my gosh.

    It sounds like quite the bug!!

    You just need to rest. Keep your fluids up. And trust that ALL the fitness/exercise you have been doing these last months has created significant muscle memory so that, when you get back to it, you'll ramp up VERY QUICKLY!!

    Feel better!!!!!

    I sure hope this cough doesn't last that long! I'd like to be able to breathe again. That's why I am trying to workout when I feel up to it, even if it's not at the same intensity. I don't want to erase the work I've been doing. Unfortunately this week I have been using my illness as an excuse to eat junk. Blech.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    idauria, how are you doing? Feeling any better yet?
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    idauria, how are you doing? Feeling any better yet?

    Getting better, slowly. I still have a cough but I plan on getting back into my workouts full swing tomorrow. I'm definitely doing better than last weekend but not 100% yet.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    so glad you're finally feeling better! Hope you'll be back to 100% later this week!