hypothyroiod or hyper or? Sleep apnea?

shvits Posts: 249 Member
I went to the doctor sure I was hypothyroid....Well I was hyperthyroid. I had increased fatigue and generally had lots of 'bad days'. My medical doctor sent me to my pulmonary. My pulmonary doctor, thinking out of the box, sent me for a sleep study. I had SLEEP APNEA. Aren't I lucky. One more problem to add to my list, but at least it is fixable and possibly when I loose more weight it will go away. Anyone else have these symptoms or this problem? p.s. I'm now hypothyroid since 1/2 was removed, but still have sleep apnea.


  • stacywx2
    Hi! Yes, I do know what you are talking about. I was diagnosed with Grave's disease in 2008. I started a blog (not self-promoting, just didn't want to bore you with all the details of it all here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/stacywx2), if you're interested. I had every symptom except 2 - the swollen calves and one other rare, rare symptom. My doctor and I would joke about how I seemed to be always the rare case when it came to reactions, non-reactions, and symptoms. You know the side effects label that always a reads "in rare cases.....", well, those disclosures are for people like me.

    I ended up having my entire thyroid removed, so officially, I am hypothyroid, but not really as I still have Grave's antibodies running in my system.

    The time between 2008 and 2010 when I finally had my thyroid removed was, how shall I say...trying? They put me on Tapazole at first, but I ended up breaking out in hives. They then switched me to PTU which obviously didn't do anything for me except make me gain weight, feel distended (possibly damaging my liver apparently), and frustrate me even more.

    Whoops, I got a little long-winded again - sorry. I wish you well on your recovery.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks. It is important to keep an open mind. Too many people misdiagnosis themselves and refuse to look at other possibilities that might be causing their symptoms....i.e. everything may not be your thyroid.
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    I had to have a sleep study done 6 months ago. My husband kept catching me sitting straight up in bed, and it creeped him out. lol :p

    Since I never had this problem before when I was at a healthy weight, they said it was due to my weight. I'm hoping once I drop enough I can sleep without the cpap again. But, I'm totally hypo - I have no thyroid at all. :p
  • JuliesJourney
    JuliesJourney Posts: 58 Member
    So funny that I would first of all find this group today, I don't know why I didn't think about looking for a Hypo group and then would see this topic. Anyway, I went to the doctor today for my 3 month checkup. I've been on Synthroid upped to 112 mg since October. In January, I finally felt like exercising again, yeah! but I am still having to take naps because I am so tired despite sleeping all night. My doctor said, "do you snore?", why "yes" I said and she said, "I think we should do a sleep apnea test." I never would have thought of that so, I am waiting for insurance approval for the test. I SO don't want to have to wear the apnea gear as I already look so sexy in my earplugs and eye mask. Good thing my husband loves me!