
I just joined the group. When I saw the sign "30", I was like... hey! it's for me! XD

So... Hello all! :D I thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves one another...

I am newly 30 years old, mother of two young kids. I know MFP for almost 2 years. The picture on my profile is not up to date. It was one year ago, when I reached my Goal Weight (thanks to MFP!). Im proud to say I lost 40 lbs in 6 months! :)

Since I stopped exercising (mainly because of lack of time to continue... and then lack of motivation to restart... :S). So a year later, I gained 10 lbs (and lost tonus!). :(

Today I am motivated to get back on track! :D

And you, what's your story ???


  • EleBran
    EleBran Posts: 4 Member
    Hello :)

    I am 32, and my profile pic is also an old one haha - was taken on my honeymoon in April 2010.. since then I have gained over a stone and half - but determined to get the weight off again and tone up.

    Its just so much harder now, I have always been able to eat what I want and suddenly thats not the case...
  • kiyawow
    kiyawow Posts: 38 Member

    I am 37 and I used to be my goal weight after being bigger than I am now.. and swore that I would never let that happen again... even when having to go and buy different size clothes it still didnt register how big I was getting.

    Well it starts again, been on here before but didnt continue on with it. This time I have stuck with it and the daily cheer support that you get from friends on here is great.

    My picture is not recent its a few years old but in the process of putting more up on here that I have had taken.

    I havent had time to excercise, I have tried to do both together before and failed so decided will sort the food routine out first then start on the fitness. Gym access is hard as nowhere close to me on the way home from my job. Also I have bad knees so as much as I would love to go running I cant. I love my wii fit and workout dvd's they have worked for me in the past so will just see what happens with them, boredom kicks in easily:-) We have a group holiday coming up in June so that has been a real motivator for myself and friends. Working one week at a time.

    I have signed up for the lose 5lbs in February - little goals to work too...

    Well thats more than enough about where I am
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    32 here...veggi... too lazy to write stories.... been in fitness for about 15 years and used to be a personal trainer once upon a time... like to learn new stuff, motivate and provide suggestions when get time.

    yawn... :yawn: :bigsmile:
  • ZAislandgal
    This is exactly the group I have been looking for!

    I am new to MFP and have not yet plucked up enough courage to ask anyone to be my friend. I have recently turned the big 3 0 and quit smoking- yay me.

    I am motivated to lose those extra kg's that have taken up residence on my *kitten*/thighs since I have quit the cigs and so far so good!

    Thanks for starting this group! :)
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Aloha Everyone! saw "30" and knew this is where I belonged! Just turned the big 3-0 in october. I am not trying to loose too much weight(10 lbs) but I feel like I am mainly here to change my lifestyle. I have been a MFP'er for about 6 months and I love you all!! Never been more motivated! I am a mother of one girl(9 years old) but me and husband want to have another child in a couple of years. I want to make sure I am in the best shape of my life so I can stick with it even after I have another child.

    Turning 30 was a big change for me.....and I celebrated my bday also being smoke free for 1 year! I gained most of my weight from quitting but it was worth it!

    Looking forward to meeting yall!
  • blueyez74
    blueyez74 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello all!:drinker:

    I am a 37 year old RN, mother of two (ages 10 and 8). Lost quite a bit of weight about 5 years ago while my husband was deployed (more due to stress than anything) and upon his return have gained it all back plus some. I am looking to get down to close to where I was the healthy way by healthy choices and exercise. I live in beautiful Tucson, Az and the winters here are mild so getting out in the fresh air is easy. Love to hike, have DVDs at home ( I am boycotting the gym currently), and am looking for more support!

    Good luck to you all!
  • tmortica
    I am 38 year old mother of three. I need to take off 15 pounds to get to where I think I should be. Back when I had a high stress job I had no problem with weight (then again my stomach was always upset and I never ate much).

    My picture is from when I had one of my high stress jobs.

    I need help getting motivated to eat better and work out more. I am always doing something at home but laundry , cleanning up after my family, and making dinner are not great workouts. My less stressful job is wonderful except I have to sit at a desk all day.

    So please help me get motivated :)
  • Skinny_Meeh
    Hi all! I'm a 30 year old mother of 3. I have been on MFP for about 2 years, was working towards my weightloss goal after child #2. I was about half way there when "SURPRISE" I found out I was pregnant again.

    MFP is great for keeping me accountable, and the people I meet on here and in the groups are great for helping with motivation! Looking forward to shedding the pounds!
  • kipper2316
    Hi all! Im Krissy. I just turned 33 this month. I just joined MFP about a week ago. I love it. I want to change and be healthy. Feel free to add me. Oh im from NC too.
  • menglema
    I am 32 and so happy to see this positive group!

    I am a Union Stage Manager (currently in between show contracts). I am a proud adult who is happy with my life I have chosen to be healthy as a goal instead of being "skinny" :happy: My first step towards healthy was quitting smoking (soooo hard) and it really put weight into an upward spiral. Now that I have not smoked in almost 2 years, I am ready to focus on feeling better and toning up!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • menglema
    PS. Born/ raised Louisville, KY and currently living in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • tinkerbell21276
    tinkerbell21276 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, like most of you I noticed the 30 and said I should join. My pic is about 2 yrs old, but I look the same. I will be 36 in Feb. I never had a hard time turning 30, I think because I have never looked my age. I tell people that I have a 17 yr old daughter and they say "NO WAY"
    I have had MFP for a while and have used it off and on. I guess using it before I didn't have the strength or the willingness to keep up with it.
    I have been on my diet for just about 3 weeks. Counting calories is not fun. It really was hard at first. I work at a WalMart and with all the food and everyone there loves chocolate.... I have learned to control my hunger for the most part. I have also learned that I don't need to buy a candy bar or eat at the deli. I have learned to minimize my portions eat less and also eat better snacks. At home it is hard because I have a husband and 3 children to feed. I still eat pretty much what they do, I just don't eat as much.
    I am a wife (married almost 18yrs/mother/early grandmother (stepdaughter) our kids ages are 12g/15b/17g/25b/29g. Grand kids 7g/3b/1g. I love my family and my life no matter how crazy it has been.
    So my goal is to loose my extra weight and get fit. I am looking into getting a treadmill and maybe a home gym so that it will help me on my way. I want to be able to look good in a bathing suit when we go to Aruba for our 20th anniversary! So excited that if I can loose enough weight, we might even go a year
    So, nice to meet all of you I hope I can make some friends on here!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sam1acey
    Hi there, been a member of MFP for 3 and a bit weeks now. Joined as wanted to get healthy, had an office job for the last 4 years and sitting for all that time has taken its toll. As of 2012 I have given up smoking, started eating healthy and going to the gym everynight!! Hopefully I can reach my goal weight of around 135lbs!!

    Good luck to all!
  • simples88
    Hi, Im new to MFP so apologises if I ask anything daft!

    Im 34 and am on a mission to loose some weight and most importantly get my fitness levels up and tone up in the process. Ive signed up to do the Christies Manchester to Blackpool 60mile bike ride in July so I have a target in place - I just need to do the work now!

    Im looking forward to chatting to new people and hopefully hitting all my targets - my downfalls are my love of all foods and the occassional glass of wine :drinker:

    Good luck everyone x
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I'm Lorri and i'm 31. I seen this 30's group and thought i need to join it. I've been on MFP for almost a month now and loving it. My profile photo is an up today photo of myself. As you can tell i need to lose quite a bit of weight. I need as many friends as i can get to help motivate me if possible. I've learned this really helps me. :-) I'm looking forward to chatting with you guys.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Hi all! 31 mother of two here. A few years ago I lost 20 pounds and have gained 40 back. Yikes. I have been on MFP probly 6 months but only used it since January and it seems to help. Hope to lose and feel good so I can do lots of stuff with the kids this summer!
  • Auspiciousgirl
    I'm going to be 30 in 4 weeks (please don't kick me out of the group!)... Fitness is one area of my life that I am going to accomplish my goals in during this milestone year! :)
  • willmarie
    willmarie Posts: 5 Member

    I'm 32 turning 33 in a few weeks. I just finished college. Which has always been my excuse to not staying committed. Life is busy... but it is only as busy as you make it. So 2012 is all about me. Focusing on a healthy diet and excercise. I'm motivated and have armed myself with plenty of research. I'm one of those types that doesn't like to get started on something until I know everything. Well, I'm giving myself permission that it's okay to not know everything... and just to get started. I'm sure the uneasyness of going to the gym will wear off at somepoint. And It is okay to go to the gym not wearing the perfect outfit. Oh the excuses I have made to myself to not work out.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you. I always can use help with accountability. I struggle at times of being a hermit. I have been a MFP member for sometime now, but I have never joined a group. I guess I have always felt like I had to do this on my own. It must be a pride thing. Well, that wall is coming down. If there is anyone good at dishing out holding someone accountable...look me up! I'm good at dishing it. But just not to myself. :)

    Good luck with everyone and their goals for 2012
  • sharonucd
    sharonucd Posts: 145
    hi. i just joined the group and just turned 39 last wk so I guess I can only be in this group for a year..hehehe. Yes, I noticed that my metabolism has been slower while I have been in my thirties and working out has to be a daily part of life if you want to maintain or loose any kind of weight. We are still fabulous....just have to work a little harder at it. But hey, more benefits come with being 30 and older. and for the wrinkles, I found microdermabrasion and facials help a lot :) take good care of your skin and your body and get yourself prepared for 40s b/c it's going to be even more challenging as we get older :)
  • sfkitty
    sfkitty Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 36. I am struggling with a weight loss plateau of 3 months. I can't get below 151-154 range. Any advice?