Mini Challenges for Jan 30 - Feb 4

melcap Posts: 148 Member
WOW its almost February already! :)

Here are the challenges for this week.. sorry for not posting them earlier.. I found this great youtube channel lets try some of these moves!

Monday - Plank for 1 minute straight ( if you are unsure what a plank is please follow this link:

Tuesday - 3 Reps of 10 on each leg of the Tricep Can Can - Please follow this link for instructions

Wednesday - Run/walk 4 miles

Thursday - No Junk food

Friday - Do 50 butterfly crunches - please follow this link for the how to:

Saturday - Try a new vegetable today :)


  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, I'm in...will have to check out the butterfly crunch link though - not sure of that one! LOL

    RE: Last week...didn't do so good - hoping that I will stick to this one!
  • sd2484
    sd2484 Posts: 3 Member
    I have to say the tricep can can exercise was really good! Thanks for sharing that one! =)