
aregensb Posts: 239 Member
Kind of an odd question but I was just wondering - are any of you noticing that you sweat less as you progress through this program?

During Stage 1, I would sweat like CRAZY during my workout. Now that I'm at Stage 3, I still sweat but it's not nearly as much as it used to be. Have you noticed yourself sweating less?

I'm wondering because I don't know if my body is getting more used to weightlifting and sweats less because of that or if it's because I'm not pushing myself as much as I used to.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,961 Member
    I'm just about to start Stage 2 - so it's probably not a fair question for me to respond to.

    But, I don't notice any change in my sweat. I'm a much heavier sweater during cardio than I seem to be during weight-training.

    (Which is FINE BY ME since I do my work-out over lunch hour and have to race back to work right after!)
  • DisneySkaGirl
    I could be remembering this wrong, but in a physiology class I took in undergrad, as your body adapts to being more active, *most people* will start to sweat faster/earlier in a workout, but then also recover and stop sweating a bit faster after they are done. But I don't remember if the actual AMOUNT of sweat was something that changed over time as well.