Speed on Treadmill?

Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
Can anyone advise what speed on the treadmill should be? I did my first run today (and OMG I'm SO HIGH RIGHT NOW! LOVED IT!) and was walking at 5.3km and running at 7km.


  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member

    First off, CONGRATULATIONS on your first run!!

    There's really no concrete answer for that -- it depends on what feels comfortable for you, and it will change as you progress. The important thing is that you ARE walking and running, and that's much more important than your speed at this point.

    I HAVE found that I have a natural speed that feels "right" when I run (I won't mention my specifics) -- faster than that is too much, and even running slower than that feels like I'm exerting effort to hold myself back. Also, I've read that you should run at a pace that allows you to still be able to carry on a conversation with someone... HAH! Ahem, I never could've done that when I was getting started with C25K, honestly, no matter how slow I might've run...

    So, the upshot is, spend the next nine weeks learning more about your body, and ENJOY! You're a runner now!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Totally agree with robpett2001 - at the moment don't worry about speed but on getting through the walk-run schedule for the day. When I started running on a treadmill about 6 months ago I thought I was going reasonably quickly but (having had a bit more practice and become fitter) I now go 3 or 4kph faster quite easily.
    I think the most important thing is enjoying it - so long as you enjoy it and get a buzz out of it, you'll keep going! Couch to 5K is one of the best things I've ever done.