my today

...So i have been doing real good i think i had my weigh in today i weigh in every tuesday at kickboxing at my weightloss support group. I lost 5.5 lbs my instructor was shocked i am pretty darn happy wondering if i can get that lucky next week. I have to say i am pretty proud of myself the hub wanted to suprise the fam he brought home kfc i did not touch a lick of it ohhhh believe me i wanted to but i didnt so kudos to me lol.. how have all you been doing.. ??? As for not posting in my log i just plain old got to do it more no excuses... This is my day for today...

Breakfast slim fast drink
Snack 1 pickle 1 Tim Hortons Fruit Muffin 10 Kashi Crackers
Lunch small salad 1- piece 1/4 inch of polo pizza
Snack 1 cup yogurt 2 hard boiled eggs
Dinner Sol Filets 1 Cup of Rice 1 cup of Veggies 1 cup tossed salad

Water Intake 10 glasses
Exercise Kickboxing 1 hour

Let me know how you are all doing????


  • mommyof4inny
    Great job!! What a fantastic weigh in this week! Keep up the great week! And kudos on saying NO to the KFC!!

    Let's see, yesterday's breakfast was half of a Thomas 110 calorie raison bagel thin, 1 4oz container of Dannon Activia fat free strawberry banana yogurt, and my hot green tea. Lunch was Schwan's turkey with gravy and veggies. I had an apple for a snack. For dinner, I ate the meat and cheese off of a sub. I had four glasses of water (still working on this). I exercised for a half hour on the eliptical (very very busy day yesterday). I crashed in bed when I got home at nine (early night for me).

    So far today, I had my cup of hot green tea, a medium size banana, and Dannon Activia fat free peach yogurt. My lunch will be a tossed salad (spinich, lettuce greens, carrots,) with two tablespoons of balsamic vingerette fat free dressing and some turkey breast. I also brought about six fresh strawberries for an afternoon snack. I will be squeezing my water in today as well. Another busy night but I plan to exercise for a half hour on the bike or eliptical sometime this afternoon as well. Not sure about dinner yet but likely turkey or chicken breast and some veggies.

    I am finding that according to myfitnesspal, I am way under on my calorie intake each day. I am being scolded by my computer screen! LOL Personally, I am not concerned. I am eating well (as you can see above) and I am not hungry. I am not having any dizziness or headaches so I am getting the carbs that my body needs. I see my doctor tomorrow so I will post a weigh in then.
  • misfixit1
    misfixit1 Posts: 50 Member
    Awesome job ladies.. KFC =. Devil food lol. I excerised for one hour today on my treadmill wearing a 30 pound weight vest. My meals include

    Breakfast. 1cup oatmeal with one teaspoon of cinnamon. 1. 4 ounce cannon light and fit 1/2 cup peaches
    Lunch. 1 cup of black bean and pork over 1 cup of brown rice. 1/2 cup peas and carrots
    Snack. 1 whole wheat tortilla with 2 tablespoons of retried beans and 1/2 ounce of cheddar cheese
    Dinner. 1 whole questilla on whole wheat tortillas with 1/3 cup of beans and pork (left over from dinner last night) 1/2 ounce of Mexican cheese. Tomatoes and 1/3 cup retried beans
    Snack 1/2 cup of pistachios 1 cup of skim milk
    4 glasses of green tea hot. And 4 bottles of water. And still under goal. I have not officially recorded my weight this week because I do on Fridays but I have lost 4 pounds this week so far. I think I have pushed through my plateau. I started eating back my excerise calories (not all) but most and started using a weigh vest and it looks like it helped. :). You guys keep up the great work. This quote gives me much inspiration and I have it on my fridge I hope you can help you to

    Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will

    Author unknown.

    Have a great thursday
  • mommyof4inny
    Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work!