What are things that help you stay motivated?



  • CailleachBeara
    CailleachBeara Posts: 86 Member
    Some other things that motivate me are:

    Being my own best friend - no one will ever be as cruel to you as you are to yourself. I would never talk to a friend the way I talk to myself so I made a decision to stop beating my self up with negative self talk and start thinking more positively which has really helped. I also realised that I still had this belief deep down that I just didn't deserve to be loved so I over ate to compensate myself for never having any love in my life, I want to change that so I'm taking care of myself this year to give myself confidence to start dating.

    If I'm having a really crappy day I think of a quote by one of my heroes Winston Churchill: "If you're going through hell, keep going"
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    I am always looking for sayings, images, or things I can do to stay motivated. On the group page there is a photo of two glasses. One says "The pounds I need to lose" and the other says "The pounds I've lost". Inside the glasses are those glass stones used in flower arrangements and aquariums. I am going to make a set of these for me!

    "Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It's the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill (don't let stumbles knock you down, just get up and move on, that's how I take it.)
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I love the glasses filled with stones. What a great idea. I always love hearing how people have lost weight,foods they ate or gave up,exercise, etc. Any secrets out there you can share?
  • CailleachBeara
    CailleachBeara Posts: 86 Member
    I have also made a pact with myself that I will not bring any junk food into the house. This was hard initially as every time I went shopping on the weekend I would always buy chips and chocolate, eat the lot and undo all my hard work for the week.

    I also made a vision board for myself with my weight loss goals and some other life goals that I want to achieve. It's hanging right near the kitchen so every time I'm thinking about overeating I get a visual reminder of where I want to be. Working like a charm so far! :smile:
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    After being a wife and mother for more than 25 years, I decided I need to recharge my batteries and go on a "me" holiday... no one to think about but myself. If I want to sit on a beach and watch the sea all day, I will do. If I want to read all day I will do... but I really want to wander around a foreign country with my camera and take photos and study a local area... not something I can do when I have hubby and kids in tow.

    I promised myself that if I keep all the hard work up, and hopefully get in shape/lose weight, I will be doing that later this year.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    That sounds like a great plan, I hope you do it. I would miss my grandkids after a couple days, and come hauling back,lol
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    Thanks! I'm certain I will miss them all dreadfully... but its something I want to try. The thought of it is helping me stay on the straight and narrow on the weeks I dont lose any weight (every lb seems to fight to stay on my body)
  • cgailb
    cgailb Posts: 29
    I just found this website modcloth.com. I love to window shop the dresses there. I am making a wishlist. I am also creating my style on pinterest.com. I used to be a size 6-8 and loved skirts and dresses. I am enjoying thinking about that again. Now, when I am choosing something to eat, I think twice.
  • All of these things are very motivating. My husband is my blessed support system. He tells me I am beautiful every day, even when I feel like a sack of potatoes. He helps by eating the things that I do and by soothing my aches when my illnesses take over. My goal is to be as medication free as possible and to get back into the size nine clothes that are filling my closet and drawers. Keeping positive can be difficult when you are hurting and can't exercise, not even walk. And my goodness, when the scale is crawling at a snails pace, it can be so tempting to quit. Then I read some positive feedback on MFP from my buddies and I remind myself that everyone is struggling and I shouldn't give up.
  • cgailb
    cgailb Posts: 29
    I a, so with you. I hate the pain. I've been wheat free and I ate some cookies and a hotdog with the bun over the weekend. Sunday it felt like my knee joints were going to explode. I usually walk at 3mph. I was limping along on the treadmill at 2mph. Needless to say I'm back off the wheat. I wasn't going to go to the gym but I promised to meet my mother. I am so glad I did. I don't like moving when the pain in bad. I forget that it can make things better or at least I can burn some calories.
  • Unfortunately, my hip has been a problem for me this weekend and I am just forcing myself to walk. The pain can really be consuming as you well know. I am just trying to make it through one day at a time.
  • I went and bought myself a fitbit. So far I really love it! I like being able to set goals with it each day.
  • CailleachBeara
    CailleachBeara Posts: 86 Member
    I really need to get a heart rate monitor!
  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 105 Member
    My motivation: SUMMER! We love to be outdoors and on the boat which requires a bathing suit. I'm going to go kicking a screaming into a one-piece. It will probably be this summer but I'm going to make a 2-pc last as long as I can.

    I have a HRM and love to register cals burned DAILY on my calendar. If there is a no-exercise day I make a big X on the calendar, makes me feel bad if there are too many for the week or month.