IBS from fibromyalgia!



  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    For me the most embarrasing and debilitating part of Fibro is the IBS.
    I dont have the painful constipation but i do have the other way. Not always the `runs`but soft and a lot of it.
    I often think to myself i feel like a human piping bag, stuck on the loo for an hour with an imaginary confectioner constantly squeezing me.
    the pain that goes with it makes you feel like you will pass out not to mention the blue legs and feet as the blood is stopped from getting down there while your *kitten* is locked tight to the porcelain!!
    I hate getting like it at work coz the smell is out of this word! PHEWWW

    but you have to have a sense of humour about it or you just wouldnt live.

    Since starting this new eat healthy with loads of fruit and veg I have triggered off my IBS.
    My poor belly dont know which way is up right now- im hoping it will settle soon once it adjusts to the new materials being put in it.

    If not i will have to go back to pizza`s and sausages and be content on being a bit more chunky but i really dont want it to come to that