15k steps daily

For those that find it easy with the 10k, let's go a step further and go 15k daily. let's go we can do this!


  • darnesegm
    darnesegm Posts: 1 Member
    I'm all in, 6 days a week!!!
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    great! let's do this. share with us how you manage to get your steps in. the way I get them in i wake up half an hour earlier to do aerobics, then at lunch i walk for about 20mins and then after dinner i do more aerobics and constantly dancing around the house. at night if i see i'm about 96% to my goal i put some more music and start dancing or jogging around, yes because i have a desk job all day, i have to be creative in getting movin.
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    15882 steps taken today
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    19056 steps taken that was yesterday's didn't get to put it here
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    today's and it's only 10:29am-10935 steps taken today
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    today so far at 7:08pm 16,200 steps taken today. hope you all have made your goal.
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    ok I have gotten addicted to working out. today I had company for dinner and in my mind all I thought was I have to somehow get my 10k in. so as soon as i said goodbye. changed up and 3miles of walk a way the pounds was on lol. wow I have changed so much, my mind set is focused in losing this weight for sure. today at 10:16pm- 17,345 steps taken today. but today I really had to struggle to get there. while waiting for my guest, I was dancing and marching all over my home to get some type of movement I surely thought today I wasn't going to make the 10k but I did. hope everyone had a great day as well. much love
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    I didn't make it today, too tired 12,582 steps taken today
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    I made it today 21,600 steps taken today
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    18,664 steps taken today
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    22,461 steps taken today
  • takehomepay
    takehomepay Posts: 18 Member
    OK, 15 k tomorrow! I got to 13k and change once... I look forward to it!
  • takehomepay
    takehomepay Posts: 18 Member
    OK, I got home I was at over 11K so I went for it and did my first 15K! Whooo hoooo! The dog's happy, she went with me on those last few thousand. She's totally sacked out now though. She'll sleep well tonight.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I'm doing horrible. Two desk jobs and work 14 hour days. Then 2 hours of driving. Snowing too. Ugh!
  • takehomepay
    takehomepay Posts: 18 Member
    Sorry to hear that. Using the Fitbit?
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    letmebeda1_wechange Posts: 480 Member
    this weekend i did 25,110 steps taken today. woo hooo been meeting the goals just haven't been logging them here. hope everyone is meeting their goal
  • LFlynnOC
    LFlynnOC Posts: 23 Member
    Hi. My name is Lisa and I am new to this group and new to FitBit (got mine for Mother's Day). What I'd like to know is how you manage to walk so many steps? The only way I can get at least 10k is to take a dedicated walk before, during or after work for 20-30 min. I have a desk job and try to get up often and walk around, but unless I was walking around with my laptop strapped to me so I could work, there is no way I could do 15-25k in a day. Maybe my stride isn't set right. I never changed the default (not sure that I know how to but could/should probably figure it out and mke sure it's right).
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    letmebeda1_wechange Posts: 480 Member
    hi and welcome sorry for the delay, i workout in the morning with leslie samsone walk away the pounds or body revival. then at lunch i walk one more or more and then again in the evening i also have a desk job. if i'm missing steps i'll put music and dance in the house as well.
  • mareahh
    mareahh Posts: 10 Member
    I've been aiming to do this daily, however I find it a bit hard. I notice that my knees hurt at the end of the day and don't know if i'm causing more injury. I have also been aiming higher for the stairs. :)
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    I've been aiming to do this daily, however I find it a bit hard. I notice that my knees hurt at the end of the day and don't know if i'm causing more injury. I have also been aiming higher for the stairs. :)

    if it's hurting your knees then don't do it. don't cause yourself pain like that. slow it down go lil by lil.