Day 4 week 2

Ok im a bit ahead of everyone else.. But I've just finished day 4 of week 2 amd my heart really wasn't in it tonight! MAybe due to it being nearly 10pm, but we had friends over and as soon as they're left I put my jillian DVD on!
How is everyone finding ripped in 30 so far? I'm dreading week 3!


  • J_Remps
    J_Remps Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I just finished day 4 of week two as well. Tomorrow (Sunday) will be my 5th and last time doing week two before I move on to week three hopefully on Monday. Just as you said, I wasn't all into it on day 4 as well. I have a cold and guess I didn't have enough energy as I thought I did. Hoping to feel better tomorrow! If you start week 3 before Monday let me know how it is :) I'm a bit scared of it haha!
  • I'm starting week 3 tomorrow, scared!! Let me know how u get on with it!
  • Finished day 4, its getting easier, don't like plank jacks and mountain climber but I find it much more doable than Running man in week 1, my shoulders are burning!!!

    Tomorrow (Monday) we will be going on holiday, it will also be my day off, really hope I will stick to the program while on holiday, I'm taking my dvd with me.

    Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!