Dry Heels and Fingertips

Have been dieting for 3-4 weeks now and have noticed that my heels and fingertips have become extremely dry and rough. Have never suffered with this before, am I deficient in anything? Would love some insight!


  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    My total layperson's advice:
    My first thought would be to adjust your water intake. You do need to drink more water when low carbing and I think too little water is most likely a culprit. However, a huge, unnatural amount of water can cause an electrolyte imbalance which may cause the symptoms you describe, if you're not replacing lost salts through food.
    If that doesn't work, make sure you're getting a wide range of fats and oils- and plenty of them- along with vits and minerals.
    If still not, request a thyroid function test, particularly if you're feeling sluggish, weightloss is slow, and you are constipated.

    I tend to find that coconut oil (eaten!) makes everything better- it might work topically as well. If you're not already using it, start slow to ensure you're not allergic.

    Best of luck!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Can you open up your diary please? Dont know what you have been eating so its hard to give definitive help.

    The Podiatry group that I oversee the billing for, had some references there to indicate a couple of things. Dehydration and not enough healthy food choices.

    The more processed junk-type foods (frozen meals, canned, boxed, nothing fresh), this can often happen. Hydration is extremely important as well.

    The more fresh foods we give to our bodies, the more nutrients will be dispersed to the body. In conjunction with exercise, the blood flow (circulation) can help get the nutrients to the extremities better as well.