New Here

I have been on MFP for a little over a year, but I have just recently decided that the primal/paleo lifestyle was something I really wanted to give a try. I have such a hard time with the sugars and the grains I don't know how well this will work for me, but I am really ready to give this a try. I have lost almost 50 pounds by watching what I eat, but I really feel like this will make me feel so much better health and energy wise. So I could use all the support and friends who are doing this that I can get. I also would love to know if you found it better to go into it slowly or all in all at once. I look forward to this journey!!


  • I just joined MFP and have been eating the Primal way for a short while, I'm glad there is a good support group to turn to when I have questions or having trouble staying on course.
  • I just joined MFP and have been eating the Primal way for a short while, I'm glad there is a good support group to turn to when I have questions or having trouble staying on course.

    Me too I think it will make this transition much easier!
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    First off, congrats on making a decision that will not only affect your diet, but many aspects of your overall health. We all are more than happy to advise you on your journey!
    I have such a hard time with the sugars and the grains I don't know how well this will work for me, but I am really ready to give this a try.
    My advice? Commit to doing it for 30 days. Sugar and grains can be addictive, and this is the cravings we all feel (to one extent or another). If you commit to 30 days, and work with the couple of weeks where you may feel what we call the 'carb flu' (actually your body withdrawals from it's addiction to sugars and carbs), you'll find that your cravings for sugar/grains will have pretty much disappeared! It was that way for me - I never thought I could give up my boxes of Cheezits. It's now been almost a year since I've had any, and I don't miss them at all (well, I might feel a twinge of longing when I pass them in the market aisle, but I just chuckle at my longing and move on....).
    I also would love to know if you found it better to go into it slowly or all in all at once. I look forward to this journey!!
    That's something that depends on the person - kind like the best way to enter a pool of bathtub. In my case, I had all sorts of bad foods in the pantry that I needed to get rid of - and throwing out food is anathema to me. So, I stopped buying the bad stuff, decided that I would spend two weeks using up what I could, gave away to my kids stuff that they would use, and basically did it about 60% for the two weeks. After that, it was full tilt and anything bad left was either tossed or is still moldering away on some out-of-the-way shelf.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Don't underestimate the craving you'll have for sugar. It's the hardest to overcome and will drive your 'lust' for grain based foods like bread, et al. Those are converted to 'sugar' when consumed so treat them as sugar. If you can get past this, the path ahead will become easier.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I have such a hard time with the sugars and the grains I don't know how well this will work for me, but I am really ready to give this a try.
    I agree with monkeydharma about the 30 days - and make sure you eat yummy things during that time - replace the carb calories with delicious healthy, unprocessed, whole foods - yummy proteins and veggies cooked in yummy healthy fats. Feel free to check out my diary for ideas - I think I have it set to public...
    I also would love to know if you found it better to go into it slowly or all in all at once.
    I suppose that yes, it does depend on your personality... but I think that this thing works best when you commit to it fully. It's so wonderful... I really believe that you'll feel so great that you'll wish you'd never eaten the old way. I swear I don't even miss the things that I used to swear I would never live without. Crazy, I know... but totally true. :)

  • Congrats to giving the Paleo way a shot I know it'll be a great journey for you! I wanted to touch on something that monkeydharma mentioned but that I think should be discussed in a little more detail and that is the "Carb-flu". I'm going to be honest with you it's going to be rough when it hits you. Everyone has it to varying degrees and it usually occurs in the first couple of weeks of eating completely clean and the length of time it last depends on the person. The symptoms range from migraines, digestion issues, interesting bowel movements (tmi I know), skin breakouts, lethargy, and irritability. Like monkeydharma said it's like going through withdrawals gotta get rid of the addiction. You need to power through though because when it's done you will literally feel amazing. It's like night and day. One day you can barely wake up and the next your bounding out of bed ready to eat some sugar free nitrate free bacon :)

    If you haven't read Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint I would suggest that. It has a lot of great info and helps you in the right direction of carb/fat/protein intake. An online site I would recommend to get real informative information is Melissa and Dallas' site They are leaders in the Paleo community and are the creators of the Whole30. I highly highly recommend checking it out. There are lots of forums and blog posts that will give you great information including recipes as well as hear from real people doing this sharing their failures and successes. Things we can all use and learn from. Good luck and keep us posted!!
  • I'm new, too, and also nearly a week into this new way of eating. I am loving it so far...tonight, I had the most amazing steak, which is something I would never have enjoyed so much when I was counting calories.

    I will admit, I wasn't a big carb eater anyway, but the thing that I am struggling with is chocolate...I just love a good milk chocolate. I am 'allowing' myself two squares of 85% Dark chocolate every night after dinner for a bit, just to ease myself into the transition, and though it doesn't completely take the craving away, it helps an awful lot. I am not out to shed massive amounts in the first months, just enough to see a difference, and to feel better about what I'm eating and to feel better in general!!

    I have been struggling with indigestion for nearly a year; I completely cut out dairy because I thought that was the culprit; I was also exhausted all the time, and not losing weight. In the space of one week, ALL of my tummy troubles have disappeared (and I have had a small amount of cheese this week), have tons of energy and I've lost 4 pounds!!'s been EASY!!! OTher than the chocolate, I haven't missed a thing. I look forward to changing some of my recipes to carb friendly and carrying on feeling good. Lots of luck to you as you begin, I really hope you start feeling the benefits soon!