Hi! Just starting 30 day shred

So glad I came across this group. I have tried Shred in the past but never stick with it - only getting to Day 3 usually. I started Feb 1 (Again!) and plan to do it each day. I have 30 lbs to lose so along with Shred for the month of February, the gym (I love kickboxing, yoga & spinning) and eating 1200-1400 calories each day, I am staying positive in reaching my goal by summer! Looking forward to seeing everyone finish Shred!


  • midnightwhispers
    I've started and quit so many times too. I've been on level 2 since January 1st. It still kicks my butt and I'm nursing a knee and ankle injury so I'm in no rush to move on yet. I also do Tae Bo and am on week 3 of the Couch to 5k :) Good luck with keeping it up and reaching your goal!