Honoring your body

Posts: 22 Member
Just for today I will love and honor my body. I will only say loving things to it. I will thank it for performing the actions I ask it too. I will feed it real, healthy food that grows from the ground, a tree, a vine or an animal. I will not put chemicals in it, it is not a garbage dump. I will exercise it in a healthy manner neither overdoing it or underdoing it. I will dress it comfortably and clean the environment it dwells in. My body is an honored friend and deserves to be treated as such.
Just for today I will choose to use The Tools of Recovery to stay sane. I will attend a meeting. I will read OA literature. I will make a phone call. I will honor my body by telling it how grateful I am to it's ongoing love and devotion to holding my spirit. I will make the choice in every moment to feed it foods that are healthy, that nourish, that allow my continued sanity. Just for today I will say Thank You for the gifts it has offered me wince the day I was conceived. Just for today, I will respect, love and nurture my body. Just for today I will tell my body how amazing it is and how grateful I am for his presence and existence. I am here for a reason, and nobody knows that as intimately as my body.
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