fell of the wagon

I am gutted........... totally have lost motivation for the shred and feel crap.
trying to physc myslef to start again tomorrow.
Didnt even bother to track food etc, and tomorro is weigh in day.


  • meaghan2012
    meaghan2012 Posts: 16 Member
    Go ahead and weigh yourself so you know where you stand. Then, have a talk with yourself that you made a mistake and it happens, but now the real work will begin again. Cut yourself some slack. It happens to all of us :) You just have to decide am I going to give up or am I going to go and kick the fat on my body's *kitten*?
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    What do you consider falling off the wagon? Yesterday with the super bowl, I didn't track calories. Just plan on picking back up today. I also give myself one day a week where I can go over my calories. Keeps your body from going into starvation mode and slowing down your metabolism. Also, I let myself eat whatever I want in moderation so I don't start craving things and want to quit.

    How much are you doing the shred? I do 2 day shred, 1 day off, 2 day shred, 1 day cardio, 1 day off. It keeps it fresher and is what Jillian recommends on her website. It worked great for me the first time I did the shred.

    What day are you on? The first several days at a level is definitely harder but it does get easier.
  • JenPro77
    I'm doing the shred too. I have a few more days and I will be done with the 30days! I know how you feel, there are days where I'd give my right arm not to have to look at Jillian's face.:grumble: However I think to myself it's only 20min I can do this and I push play. Stay with it ladies its well worth the pain.:smile: