Day 8 Upper plus Upper

Hi guys! Just finished this... (I have been trying to do next day's workout the night before). I feel if I ever get behind, I won't want to finish this so I try and stay ahead. Anyway - what a workout. I was really pushing through the 40 min Upper and thought how was I going to finish the recovery for 20....but I felt more strong during the 20 min recovery. I'm sure that I will feel it tomorrow! Have a good night, and good workout tomorrow!!!!


  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    I was actually able to get up at 5:00 this morning and do the upper body recovery before work. I will do the upper body xtreme after work. I was getting both workouts in at night, but it was difficult. I hope that I can continue this trend throughout the rest of the challenge.
  • Completed the extreme upper body this morning - after a weekend of skiing - I had to really push myself to get up and do it. I feel energized now.

    What weights do you consider heavy? I used 5 lbs and then tried to switch to 10s - I think I need to get some 8s.
  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    awesome job! the only way I'm getting up at 5am is if my house is on fire!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member

    What weights do you consider heavy? I used 5 lbs and then tried to switch to 10s - I think I need to get some 8s.

    I switch between five and eight pounds, depending on the exercise. I always try to do the first set with the eight lbs, but I sometimes fall back to the five pounds for the second set.
  • My arms actually feel LESS sore today than they did before the workouts yesterday! I love the upper body workouts but definitely looking forward to kickboxing today.
    I also use a couple sets of weights...3, 5, and 10 (dont have 8s yet either!). I follow Chris's advice and start heavy then move to the lighter ones when I cant take it anymore.
    We are all going to look great in our tank tops this summer! :)
  • AnastasiaMarieA
    AnastasiaMarieA Posts: 27 Member
    I did this yesterday...I upped my weights as much as I could to 8lbs. YEAH!