How is it going...2.6.12

Ok, so this morning i did day 1 and 2 were extremely tiring and left me 3 was hard but better....2 things im finding....

1. am workout is best for me
2. i need to work on my diet to make this worthwhile

With that being said...i plan to really focus this week on my calories, getting rest, and rising early...lets do this!!


  • lnicole1625
    lnicole1625 Posts: 40 Member
    I think once you get through day 3 it gets easier. I did day 6 yesterday, and I notice my an increase in my endurance. I have also been wearing my HRM while I work out and the calories I burn appear to be less and less. I think it is because it puts less stress on my body now. Soon I will be able to start level 2. Yikes! Good Luck!
  • haj0808
    haj0808 Posts: 51 Member
    This would be 5 days moving at level one..the whole time and also doing her week ABS in between which I find to be worse. I'm down one pound. And some inches.

    But I'm always under calories but I need to focus on food and make sure I'm eating more healthy. But I can get through it easier I'm going to give it another 4days and then I'm going to try out level two. Pray for me. Ladies lets make it count...!!!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Tonight is my Day 6 of Level 1, yesterday kicked butt and powered through almost all of it.
    Having a bit of a mental blcok today, hoping a hard session will help. Def looking forwad to leveling up!! I've done (off and on) Level 1 more times than I can count! Just gotta stick to it til Friday and I'll be through with Level 1.
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    I've been doing the 30DS every alternate day, though I stopped when I went away on holiday, but I'm right back into it. I'm on about L1D7, but I'm hoping to increase the frequency a bit, depending on how I feel so you guys don't overtake me too quickly!
  • amyunplugged
    amyunplugged Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all! I started Level 2 yesterday and find it so much more fun that Level 1...which I mostly loathed. So far I'm not sore at all (was the first few days of Level 1). Added in 15 min of 6 Week 6 Pack after 30DS, couldn't make the entire 30 minutes!

    My endurance has shot up over the past 2 weeks for sure.
  • I just started yesterday, completed day 2 today.


    That is all...
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    I started last night and I'm so sore today. Going to push through it tonight.
  • MILFaspirations
    MILFaspirations Posts: 108 Member
    OHhh i love the soreness!!!

    singing usher's song (let it burn!!!)

    anyways, today will be day 5 for me!

    i am just worried on the two days i go in to work (waking up at 5am getting home at 4pm) am i going to really do it!

    i know these kids will be all on me like white on rice...

    i normally work out when my son naps at 1ish.. but 2 days a week i go into work office... so this might be challenging.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    I have to start it no later than 5:30am because I have to get the kids up & moving @ 6am. Only time I really have. I have to force myself out of bed but afterwords I'm happy I did.