~*Challenge Chatter 2/6- 2/12*~

ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
New Chat Thread for the week :)

How does everyone feel after week one? I feel pretty good. I started feeling a little unmotivated, but I've picked myself back up.


  • I am on track - maybe due to a contest we're having at school. We pay a dollar each as we weigh in once each week (Friday). At the end of the month, the pot will be awarded to the one with the biggest percentage of loss. February is mine!!!

    Talk to co-workers/friends/family. Put some $$ on the line. It's working better for me than the beach picture on my refrigerator!!!
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    I am on track - maybe due to a contest we're having at school. We pay a dollar each as we weigh in once each week (Friday). At the end of the month, the pot will be awarded to the one with the biggest percentage of loss. February is mine!!!

    Talk to co-workers/friends/family. Put some $$ on the line. It's working better for me than the beach picture on my refrigerator!!!

    Sounds awesome! Prizes tend to be a big motivator for people (myself included!)
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I have been having major issues with eating and moving the past 3 days. I think I see that nice number and think I can cheat and eat more, or different.
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    I have been having major issues with eating and moving the past 3 days. I think I see that nice number and think I can cheat and eat more, or different.

    I've just been getting bored with my routine and feeling so limited with my exercise. I'm trying to get myself to really understand I should do this slowly and not expect overnight miracles. Today I started Walk Away the Pounds and I think it will be a great stepping stone to get me on my way.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    I have been having major issues with eating and moving the past 3 days. I think I see that nice number and think I can cheat and eat more, or different.

    I've just been getting bored with my routine and feeling so limited with my exercise. I'm trying to get myself to really understand I should do this slowly and not expect overnight miracles. Today I started Walk Away the Pounds and I think it will be a great stepping stone to get me on my way.

    Tiffiany...soooo easy to become complacent. Thx for sharing your honesty. I am glad for our Group..."Mission Possible"...and MFP in general. You all are motivating me to keep on track!!

    Sarah - Glad you are starting the new DVD on walking. I am not bored yet with JM30Shred...just need to get START, but when I do...it's great...LOL...I love it because it is only 20 minutes. Then I do Zumba later in the day!!

    I had a good day today. Shopped at Costco, and couldn't get out of there for less than $184...but, it was ALL good food.. I saw PAM cooking spray on the shelf but not the Olive Oil one. Thanks for the suggestion though. I will go to the local grocery store.

    Have a wonderful evening or good night's rest!

    Chat again tomorrow, :happy:
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Debbie I love the 30 day shred. I was on my second week when my husband hurt himself at work and was home all the time. No way was I doing that in front of another living person. Lol. Was going to start it back up, but my mom wants to use it. I too love this group and the support from mfp in general. We're doing a great job, lets keep it going!
  • This group has been awesome for me and given me motivation that I need to hopefully get myself to finally reach a goal.. : ) My daughter passed my husband and I some "daycare crud" as I call it over a week ago now and we just can't kick it.. So I haven't been working out this week like I would have hoped.. I had a good program going of either going to the gym for a workout class, swimming, treadmill or if I didn't go to the gym I would do 30 day shred and now I haven't got in a workout (besides walking on lunch break) since Thursday.. Which is fine cause I've been eating pretty well, but miss the excerise dedication that I had going. But, am going to the gym tonight, no excuses!

    Sarah, I hope you like your walking program! I can't wait until winter is over so that I can take the baby and dog out for walks again! I hate to do that right now though, since it's dark by the time I get home and we live on a busy road... Come on daylight!! tee hee We did get in a long walk Saturday morning, it always feels so refreshing! My mom's doctor had told her that to stay healthy, a person should walk 3 miles a day, so I like to try for that..

    Woah, I guess I had a lot of chat stored up..
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    This group has been awesome for me and given me motivation that I need to hopefully get myself to finally reach a goal.. : ) My daughter passed my husband and I some "daycare crud" as I call it over a week ago now and we just can't kick it.. So I haven't been working out this week like I would have hoped.. I had a good program going of either going to the gym for a workout class, swimming, treadmill or if I didn't go to the gym I would do 30 day shred and now I haven't got in a workout (besides walking on lunch break) since Thursday.. Which is fine cause I've been eating pretty well, but miss the excerise dedication that I had going. But, am going to the gym tonight, no excuses!

    Sarah, I hope you like your walking program! I can't wait until winter is over so that I can take the baby and dog out for walks again! I hate to do that right now though, since it's dark by the time I get home and we live on a busy road... Come on daylight!! tee hee We did get in a long walk Saturday morning, it always feels so refreshing! My mom's doctor had told her that to stay healthy, a person should walk 3 miles a day, so I like to try for that..

    Woah, I guess I had a lot of chat stored up..

    I'm really glad everyone is gaining support and motivation through this group :) We have "school crud" going around here and its been cycling for 2 weeks. We're all hitting the second round. I'm still commited to getting at least one exercise video done, whether its walking or yoga today.

    I got very little sleep last night. DH was working later than usual and MIL had been complaining about the baby crying and her not getting any sleep. I kind of rolled my eyes because this is the same woman who was berating me for not letting the two year old just tantrum it out in her crib (which I was doing, but trying to get her to stop screaming like she was being murdered.) So I spent half the night up and down with both girls. I didn't get to sleep until 11:30, then DH came crashing in at 12:20a (he has no sense of trying to be quiet when others are sleeping.) Finally fell back asleep and at 2:30 the baby started wailing, which woke up the 2 year old. I got to sit from 2:30 until 4:15 trying to get both of them back to sleep. I gave up at 4:15 because I just couldn't please either of them. Went back to bed and DH's alarm went off at 5:15 for work (which is really to wake me up so that I can wake him up, because if I don't he doesn't get up.) And proceeded to go off 4 more times after that. My alarm went off at 6:30 for me to get up with the kids and he was still in bed. Then he made the bad choice of asking why I was upset/cranky.

    I want to eat everything in site today, but I won't.
  • Yikes! That's a rough night! Stay in there today and keep focused and at the end of the day hopefully you will feel empowered and stronger for keeping on track.
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Yikes! That's a rough night! Stay in there today and keep focused and at the end of the day hopefully you will feel empowered and stronger for keeping on track.

    Besides being sleepy and cranky, I'm doing well. Trying to finish my second mug of water so I can start a third and actually get more than 64 oz today. I'm letting myself snack when I want to as long as I log it. I'm actually still under by almost 1000 calories for the day, so I'm happy.

    After doing all the many formulations of how best to consume calories + get exercise, I've discovered that 2000 calories is the magic number for me. No matter how I look at any of them, I come back to 2000 calories should get the job done. Of course thats with me continuing to up my level of exercise in a day, which is the plan, gradually.
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Oh and I did my mile!
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    DH is off today. My day has already started crummy. He was supposed to get up and take my MIL to work so we could have her van for the day (he had to turn our van into a work van.) He didn't. He also has to drive all the way to work this morning to drop off paper work. So half the morning lost with his family. It sounds like its something petty, but I haven't left the house in 2 weeks. And he hasn't seen the kids for more than 5 minutes in 2 weeks. I guess I expected too much.

    Up all night again with the kids. And all of them are cantankerous today.

    It's moments like these where I just want to give up. I won't, but its really tempting.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member

    Up all night again with the kids. And all of them are cantankerous today.

    It's moments like these where I just want to give up. I won't, but its really tempting.

    You are AMAZING, Sarah~~ Thanks for sharing. Getting through all of the CHALLENGES...and continuing your quest for Fitness and Health ... will be precious memories one day! It only makes you stronger because, although tempted...you refuse to give up!

    Good Job...

  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Hi Everyone...

    Just saying hello. I don't here often, but enjoy sharing in the challenges and victories with everyone. I know it seems difficult sometimes. It is just nice to journal and pour our hearts.

    We are empowered when we don't give up. All of you are SOO AWESOME to me!

  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi Everyone...

    Just saying hello. I don't here often, but enjoy sharing in the challenges and victories with everyone. I know it seems difficult sometimes. It is just nice to journal and pour our hearts.

    We are empowered when we don't give up. All of you are SOO AWESOME to me!


    Debbie, you are one of the most supportive people I have met on here by far. Thank you for your supportive words!
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    This week, thus far, has been crazy. Worked 2 days, which is not a lot but it's thrown me off completely. Much respect to those of you that work full time, add in family and regular home work.... You ladies are powerhouses! I've been doing ddr with my friend on her wii, which has always been a great workout. So this week a 500 calorie burn which would normally take me roughly an hour to do was accomplished in 30 minutes. I never broke a sweat. I'm very concerned with the no sweating and the shorted time. Anyone have any theories?
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    This week, thus far, has been crazy. Worked 2 days, which is not a lot but it's thrown me off completely. Much respect to those of you that work full time, add in family and regular home work.... You ladies are powerhouses! I've been doing ddr with my friend on her wii, which has always been a great workout. So this week a 500 calorie burn which would normally take me roughly an hour to do was accomplished in 30 minutes. I never broke a sweat. I'm very concerned with the no sweating and the shorted time. Anyone have any theories?

    Well I know sometimes if the A/C is really kicking inside I won't sweat as much as if I were outside. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, you can do a pulse check before your work out and right after you get done to give you an idea of how elevated your heart rate is getting.

    I usually gauge things by how I feel. If I'm dripping sweat and panting heavy and can feel my heart pumping strong, then I call it a moderate to heavy effort. If I'm only a little out of breath and not very sweaty I call it a light to moderate effort. If I barely break a sweat or don't at all and can still talk normally, I'll call it an easy effort. As far as calories burned, if I don't feel I burned as much as mfp says, I adjust it and make my own "exercise" and put in the amount that seems correct (I don't up my calories burned it's usually for reductions.) That's just what I do. I hope some day to have a really awesome heart rate monitor/ calories burned monitor to track the actual.
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    I'm starting my morning right. Smoothie for breakfast, fully loaded.

    Yesterday was horrible, but it's done and its over with and today is a brand new day.

    I'm so ready to get our taxes filed so I can get some proper shoes and workout equipment.
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Sweat sweat and more sweat. The xbox biggest loser did it to me today. They rotate routines, but oddly enough it was the first one I had ever done and boy what a difference. I did get a hreat workout (sweat and all) however I noticed a huge difference... I could actually do it, and do it well. It was still challenging, but felt so much more effective. I think my lack of water the past few days has been hurting me more than I realized and that my lack of sweat was do to lack of water. It's been so long since my body has worked the way it was designed to, that we're getting to know each other again. Very excited to meet me again!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Sweat sweat and more sweat. The xbox biggest loser did it to me today. They rotate routines, but oddly enough it was the first one I had ever done and boy what a difference. I did get a hreat workout (sweat and all) however I noticed a huge difference... I could actually do it, and do it well. It was still challenging, but felt so much more effective. I think my lack of water the past few days has been hurting me more than I realized and that my lack of sweat was do to lack of water. It's been so long since my body has worked the way it was designed to, that we're getting to know each other again. Very excited to meet me again!

    Great Job, Tiffany...you made a GOOD POINT in regard to "lack of water" was the due of lack of sweat while working out. Hydration is SUCH an important part of our lives everyday. Because I have accepted the Feb challenge here, is why I am remembering to drink my water. I am bad at taking my vitamins, drinking water, otherwise...LOL. It is always great to be challenged...cause if we accept it...we are better to ourselves overall. I only workout at the gym or DVD's. I'm slow on the uptake of X boxes...and the like...hehehe...thinking it is a game for kids. Now it is POPULAR with everyone...and if I get some extra money and there is a sale...I might think about it. You have certainly encouraged me that it is great to have one. Love your last sentence "Very excited to meet me again". What great self esteem, huh? (smile)

    Stay Strong