Sudden Turn Around

It's been just under a week since I started the Armour Thyroid. Yesterday I still took a nap, but woke up before my alarm went off. This morning, I woke up before my alarm went off and took no nap! I also ran my mom to the dr and helped with my daughter's class and didn't feel totally drained after! I didn't even have my normal caffeine this morning!

What a difference it makes to feel a bit energized again, still not "normal" but definitely better.


  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I just started Armour last week and I have already noticed a difference. I am alternating between 15 mg and 30 mg each day, and I notice that I'm a little tired on the 15 mg days, but I'm going to wait a little while to see if that improves before I ask to be on 30 mg every day. It is so nice to wake up and feel rested rather than dragging through each day. I'm glad that you are starting to feel like yourself again!
  • I am taking 30 mg every day and it will be upped sometime between 2 and 4 weeks. My dr said I'll definitely notice when I need it upped. He said I will go from feeling good to feeling hypo again, and that's when it needs a bump.
  • Woo- hoo! Glad to hear you are feeling more like you again with energy!
  • Brilliant news for you, so glad your mojo is on the up, long may it last
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Fantastic!! I hope I can feel that way soon!
  • Thanks everyone!

    I actually played with my kids tonight, without feeling like it was completely draining! Now though, at 8 pm, I'm totally exhausted. I just did as much in 1 day as I've been doing in a week normally though, so it makes sense!
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    Awesome! I'm happy for you! When you're back to "normal" you really know it. I went from being perpetually moody, to walking on rainbows. :p
  • Awesome! I'm happy for you! When you're back to "normal" you really know it. I went from being perpetually moody, to walking on rainbows. :p

    I totally understand that, I felt like the entire world was collapsing around me, I had my antidepressants doubled and that didn't help at all! I got to the point where I was crying about the littlest things and people thought I was totally crazy. It was just so frustrating to even be awake when all I wanted was sleep! Today is even better than it was 2 days ago. I feel like Armour is a miracle cure for me LOL
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    That is so great! I was on Levothyroxine for 9 months and while my energy levels were up from where they were before being diagnosed, I was so moody and would snap at everyone! I've always been a very laid back person, and all of a sudden I was an emotional wreck! It's such an odd feeling to know you're acting crazy but can't really control it. Switching to Armour has definitely made a big difference for me as well!
  • Shybea81
    Shybea81 Posts: 67 Member
    Awesome! I'm happy for you! When you're back to "normal" you really know it. I went from being perpetually moody, to walking on rainbows. :p

    Love it! So, true. I didn't even realize how much control I had lost over my body and emotions till my meds took effect. I thought I was just tired and moody and fat because I worked a lot and had a kid. You really don't appreciate all the things a thyroid does till yours goes hinky on you.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    That is great! I wish we could get armour thyroid in the UK. I haven't felt right since I was switched from Liothyronine (T3) to Levothyroxine and they won't switch me back :frown: Yay for you though. It's great that you feel well again :happy:
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    That is great! I wish we could get armour thyroid in the UK. I haven't felt right since I was switched from Liothyronine (T3) to Levothyroxine and they won't switch me back :frown: Yay for you though. It's great that you feel well again :happy:

    There are other Natural Thyroid medications -- NP Thyroid (Acella) Naturethroid and Westhroid, Thyroid-S, Thiroyd (yep that's the spelling!).. there's also one in Denmark and one in Germany - they don't ship to US, but probably would to UK.

    Check it out: