Affects of T2 Diabetes Meds on Weight Loss Efforts?



  • ldg323
    ldg323 Posts: 101 Member
    Dimples - I also have a lot of trouble losing weight. Just about every drug that the Dr has given me has actually made me gain weight. I've been on Metformin (which caused MANY stomach problems), Byetta (another stomach problem drug), Victoza which for some reason just "stopped" working, Amaryl which I still take but I am hoping to get off of soon. Right now I'm on insulin and Amaryl which seems to be working well when I do my exercise that I need to be doing. For me and many others exercise is the main thing that we can do for ourselves.

    As many have mentioned, your main goal has to be BG control. I have found myself very down due to the fact that I can not seem to lose weight. But many here have reminded me of the main goal.

    Cindy, find a new doctor soon! As chipper said you need an endocrinologist. You need to be come educated about what you are facing. And you need to be seen every 3 - 4 months for tests. Also, start researching on your own, and tracking your BG levels. Education is another key!

    For both of you the support on this site is amazing. Keep logging and learning from everyone's experiences!

    Best of luck
  • NotThePest
    NotThePest Posts: 164
    idg are you on blood pressure meds, specicly Beta Blockers? If you are, then that's your problem. Research beta blockers and weight loss.