5 7 and 20 lbs overweight

I started working out last week, Feb 1-5, 2012 and have lost 1 pound exercising and eating a 1200 cpd diet. Would rather loose 2 lbs per week so I am going to try to step it up at the gym...instead of working out 45 minutes increase to an hour and a half


  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    My loss is going way slower than in my 20s, too, but my goal is to keep at it. We have a big vacation coming for spring break and I want to look good in pics.
  • scottsa
    scottsa Posts: 7 Member
    How's your progress coming along?
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Very slowly!
  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 107 Member
    Are you eating all of the cals you burn by exercising? MFP say you need to but I found an extremely long yet very informative thread on the message board about not having to, that you don't go into "starvation mode". I found it hard on some days to get to my 1200 cals PLUS the 400-500 I burn at the gym. After further investigation I have given that up. I try to hit 1200 and sometimes creep into my burned cals but I no longer wander around in the kitchen looking for something to get me to 1600 (ex.).

    Don't get me wrong, there are days I use them all up! Like today. No gym this morning and I'm going to our neighborhood bar to have a nice salad with grilled shrimp and a glass (or 2) of wine for dinner. I deserve it!

    Don't get disappointed. If you are eating right, you WILL lose!