Opinions on Atkins Shakes?

I've been reading the boards here for about 3 weeks now, and the general consensus seems to be: Atkins bars stall weight loss in many people.

What about the atkins shakes? I have been drinking these for breakfast most mornings because it's very hard for me to have time to make a real breakfast.

Anyone have any "real life" experience with these?


  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    I have at least one Atkins meal bar a day and often one shake too and I am losing ok. I had a "stall" at 4 weeks but I've read a lot of people do. I seem to be over it now.

    - I exercise a lot, like 7 hours a week
    - I have a lot of weight to lose, about 150 lbs.
    - The bars and shakes do not upset my stomach.

    So while they don't affect my weight loss (so far) the same might not be true for you.

    How do you feel after you drink a shake? Do they make you sleepy or anything? Do you use ketosis testing strips? The test strips might be your best answer - if you are in ketosis and a shake knocks you out of ketosis, then you want to avoid the shakes. If not - and if you keep losing - then the shakes are ok.
  • ctrilk
    ctrilk Posts: 12
    I feel just fine after I drink them. They keep me full from about 7AM until my midmorning snack, around 10:30 AM (usually veggies with dip.) Thanks for the tips about the testing strips, I will have to try those out. :)
    I have lost 10 so far (since Jan 10), and would like to lose 20 more. I lost the first 8 pounds in my first week on Atkins... now i am losing very slowly. But I have had one or two "bad" days that may be setting me back as well. I exercise 4x a week (three one hour zumba classes, plus some walks, etc.)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have lost 10 so far (since Jan 10), and would like to lose 20 more. I lost the first 8 pounds in my first week on Atkins... now i am losing very slowly. But I have had one or two "bad" days that may be setting me back as well. I exercise 4x a week (three one hour zumba classes, plus some walks, etc.)

    You need to remember that losing is losing... Whether its 8lbs, or 2lbs, or .5lbs.... Even if its slow weight loss, that is your body properly working. The focus is healthy and safe weight loss to be a healthy individual, not how fast you can lose the weight.
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    I have them, the pre-packaged ones (not the powder you mix at home), and don't seem to have a problem. I'd say they're not ideal, I mean they're chock-full of colourings, flavourings etc which your body can do without. Good for emergencies only! The only way to test if they're affecting you is to stop having them for a while and see what happens.

    The Atkins Advantage bars give me a stomach ache. :(