
vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
ok, so I tried yoga using On Demand with my cable. Yep, that is much harder than it looks. "reach down and grab your feet". Are you ****ting me?? How about, "is it ok if tears are running down my face after barely reaching my knees?!?!" I think I might need to stretch a little more!!!!

Anyone else stunned by their lack of flexibility?


  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    ok, so I tried yoga using On Demand with my cable. Yep, that is much harder than it looks. "reach down and grab your feet". Are you ****ting me?? How about, "is it ok if tears are running down my face after barely reaching my knees?!?!" I think I might need to stretch a little more!!!!

    Anyone else stunned by their lack of flexibility?

    I understand. And it is amazing how fast flexibility leaves. The good news, it comes back fast. You should get some yoga props. Like the blocks. These help. I think they are available at Target. And keep on pushing! You'll get there soon!

    After about a month of yoga a few times a week, I am amazed at how much flexibility and strength can increase! You'll be holding those poses like a pro in no time.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    ok, so I tried yoga using On Demand with my cable. Yep, that is much harder than it looks. "reach down and grab your feet". Are you ****ting me?? How about, "is it ok if tears are running down my face after barely reaching my knees?!?!" I think I might need to stretch a little more!!!!

    Anyone else stunned by their lack of flexibility?

    I understand. And it is amazing how fast flexibility leaves. The good news, it comes back fast. You should get some yoga props. Like the blocks. These help. I think they are available at Target. And keep on pushing! You'll get there soon!

    After about a month of yoga a few times a week, I am amazed at how much flexibility and strength can increase! You'll be holding those poses like a pro in no time.

    *kitten*, you mean I had to hold those poses?!?!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Good for you and trying the privacy of your own home. I set up a dvd player & tv in my garage near my treadmill & weight bench and I have yet to step foot in there!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    ok, so I tried yoga using On Demand with my cable. Yep, that is much harder than it looks. "reach down and grab your feet". Are you ****ting me?? How about, "is it ok if tears are running down my face after barely reaching my knees?!?!" I think I might need to stretch a little more!!!!

    Anyone else stunned by their lack of flexibility?

    I understand. And it is amazing how fast flexibility leaves. The good news, it comes back fast. You should get some yoga props. Like the blocks. These help. I think they are available at Target. And keep on pushing! You'll get there soon!

    After about a month of yoga a few times a week, I am amazed at how much flexibility and strength can increase! You'll be holding those poses like a pro in no time.

    *kitten*, you mean I had to hold those poses?!?!

    Over time you hold them more. One breath, 2 breaths, 8 breaths.

    Start with downward dog. Not sure it is on your yoga video, but that is my absolute favorite pose. It stretches pretty much everything. And builds shoulder strength.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    Pilates is so much better!!! Yoga is boring and everyone I know who does is snotty and has a stick up their @ss! =P

    And by that, I mean I know like 2 people that do it. I've tried it and just find it very boring.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    It was suggested to me to try Bikram Yoga.

    Has anyone heard of that specific Yoga type?

  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    It was suggested to me to try Bikram Yoga.

    Has anyone heard of that specific Yoga type?


    I have a friend that used to do Bikram 3 times/week. She swore by it. I was sweating plenty with simple TV yoga...I can't imagine being in a room that is 100 degrees and doing it. My friend said the first couple of times she went her white towel had a blue tint when she was done because of sweating out the metals in her system.

    and can I just say that HOLY CRAP am I sore today!!!!!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Pilates is so much better!!! Yoga is boring and everyone I know who does is snotty and has a stick up their @ss! =P

    And by that, I mean I know like 2 people that do it. I've tried it and just find it very boring.

    Well I promise that I will not put a stick up my *kitten* or become snotty!!

    So here is a question...and I ask because I am a bit childish at 41 years old: Is it true that farting is common in Pilates classes?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    . My friend said the first couple of times she went her white towel had a blue tint when she was done because of sweating out the metals in her system.

    That is some kind of freaky. :noway:

    I like my yoga, just hate the chaturunga pose. How the tar are you supposed to get down there with your butt in the air and not smash your face into the floor?
  • Hayesgang
    Pilates is so much better!!! Yoga is boring and everyone I know who does is snotty and has a stick up their @ss! =P

    And by that, I mean I know like 2 people that do it. I've tried it and just find it very boring.

    WOW - that is quite the generalization!!

    Yoga is my primary workout. I practice 3x per week at a studio and absolutely love it. Every class is different and that is why I like it, I get bored easily. I practice Hot power yoga (2x), which is a fast flow class with balancing poses as well, I also do a restorative class (1x per week). I'm not a fan of Bikrim, it doesn't move fast enough for me.

    It has changed every aspect of my body, I have long lean muscles with definition, including my abs (that momma pooch is gone).
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Okay, after talking to several people about this Bikram Yoga, I'm going to have to give it a go...

    Your input was part of that gentle push guys...
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    You just need to keep at it. I know some very athletic people that cannot do yoga. If you keep at it you will find that you become more balanced (as a person and athlete). The best benefit that I have is being able to go to sleep right away at night and getting "more restful" sleep. : )
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    Pilates is so much better!!! Yoga is boring and everyone I know who does is snotty and has a stick up their @ss! =P

    And by that, I mean I know like 2 people that do it. I've tried it and just find it very boring.

    You must be going to the wrong place. My teacher is a super cool hippie type and the people in my class are caring and very sweet. I do Pilates class once a week and they are like a "family"......maybe you should try a different gym.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Yoga is not so much about how flexible you are. It is about the fluidity of breath matched with movements. It doesn't matter if you can bend in half if you're not breathing right.

    Good thing is a lot of moves can be moderated. Do it at your own pace and own flow and you'll get it :)
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    It is about the fluidity of breath...

    Ha, maybe next tme I'll remember that I should breathe while my hamstrings are on fire!!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    It is about the fluidity of breath...

    Ha, maybe next tme I'll remember that I should breathe while my hamstrings are on fire!!

    Feel the burn!
  • Gribbish
    I used to take classes back in my college days. It's been 20 years now, but I enjoyed them back then... enough so, that I maintain some practices, to this day, that keep my flexibility up.

    For example, I sit at my computer, on my chair, in a full lotus position, whenever I am not in the field... sometimes for hours at a time. At (currently) 306 lbs. 6'3" customers come in, and watch me fluidly unfold myself, and walk over to the counter, and are all "how the hell do you do that at all, let alone at your size?"

    Since I kept myself flexible, despite packing on the pounds, I find I injure myself less than my co-workers, and I attribute this to my keeping stretched out.

    Hopefully you enjoy it :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I just started yoga this year and I had the opposite experience. I expected to suck big time and ended up doing ok. I was even able to do some of the harder positions.

    I love yoga, it's very calming and very tough too! I love that mixture of stretching but also pushing your body to hold complex positions.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Maybe they should create the 2x4 position (no, not a plank) for me...ya know, just lean me up against a wall and don't try to bend me or I'll break!!! I'd be the best at that one!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    It is about the fluidity of breath...

    Ha, maybe next tme I'll remember that I should breathe while my hamstrings are on fire!!

    Don't push yourself so much! Try this - only go so far into each move to where you CAN still breathe fully. Once your breath gets choppy, back off a little. It's not about acting like you're flexible, it's about practicing and improving slowly over time. Try it without pushing so hard and see if you like it any better :)