Day 20 results

During my 10 days of level 2 I gained but then lost 2.6 so , in reality I lost .4 lbs.

i lost .25 inches off my neck
1 inch of my waist
1.25 inches off my hips
my chest is measuring at 40 but, I am not sure what is was before

Can't wait to see everyone else's results!


  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I have no clue what day I'm on now. Took a day off here and one there. But I'm doing modified level 3. Tried a couple days of L2 but couldn't hang with all the planks and pushups.

    I'm still doing all my other workout stuff, just added 30DS to push myself harder. Down a couple pounds since I started 30DS. I'm pushing myself over the next month or two in order get down to my goal weight.