Check in: 02-13-12

skywa Posts: 901 Member
We're on to week two. Everyone give me an update. What happened? How much did you lose, or not lose? Whats working and what needs to be re-thought so we can do better this week?

Last week was horrid. Mid week i started that TOM for me and i gained and pretty much ate the loads of chocolate then had a nervous break down. Because i gained and then binged which makes NO sense. My ripped in 30 work outs are also making my muscles sore which means extra water retention.

Well regardless I'm at 122 now, and still bloated so i am hoping for a loss this week.

Also, i will be trying Intermittent Fasting this week as well. I'm fasting from 7pm until 2pm. Which will give me 5 hours to eat. Which will be good for me because i am so busy during the day i have to force myself to eat. Then i come home starving anyways and eat the loads. So hopefully this works out. :3

I hope to hear good news from all of you today. Its a new week, lets do it!


  • PersuingPetite
    PersuingPetite Posts: 22 Member
    I've been sick the past week! I've been not eating a ton. But then when I do..l don't poop. (TMI?)
    Also, I started training for the marathon I'm going to run in July (26.2 miles!). So maybe that has something to do with the bathroom stuff. I've also joined a gym to help tone and work myself out.

    I haven't been able to weigh in properly cause of the above... But I'm at about 126.5? as of right now...
  • fight2stay_thin
    well at first i lost 3 lbs then i binged on the 7th and today but im still drinking my water and im staying strong, we got 4 weeks left <3
  • fight2stay_thin
    i shud try that plan! i learned my lesson from binging, no more sunday mornings w my bf, striaight to the gym THEN i can have fun or else it will just turn into a lazy binge day which leads to 2 days for a recovery day cause im a fat *kitten*

    i actually purged today... i know i know im so so bad but its only the 3rd time this year since i stopped right before christmas so i guess thats good, i really never ever do anymore honest, but i wanted to be honest

    im getting more comfortable in my skin as each day progresses its an uphill battle but im more positive than ive been in months and that means more to me than weightloss at this point
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i shud try that plan! i learned my lesson from binging, no more sunday mornings w my bf, striaight to the gym THEN i can have fun or else it will just turn into a lazy binge day which leads to 2 days for a recovery day cause im a fat *kitten*

    i actually purged today... i know i know im so so bad but its only the 3rd time this year since i stopped right before christmas so i guess thats good, i really never ever do anymore honest, but i wanted to be honest

    im getting more comfortable in my skin as each day progresses its an uphill battle but im more positive than ive been in months and that means more to me than weightloss at this point

    Yah i purged recently too for the first time since x-mas. And i restricted for 2 days. Gaining just freaked me out and i almost relapsed (thought i did). Feel bad about it but im back on track now though. C:

    We can do this!

    Cant wait to finish ripped in 30 so i can show some before n afters!
  • fight2stay_thin
    i was purging every day in november and a lot of december, and im glad its only been 3 times since i hardly ever ever ever do it, if i do its because i literally ate too much because i stuff my face to its absolute limit and its just wrong for anyone to eat that much calories and keep it in idk im really bad but again i hardly ever do it! im not exactly on track today either but ive come to realize that as long as i fit in my size 3 pants i accept and love myself no matter what happens and im gonna keep pushing for progress and consistency and health and tonage! <3