Welcome WAG members!



  • Ness8411
    Weekends are my weakness, I end up cooking or going to parties.
    So what's the plan?
  • Ness8411
    Who orders salads at a restaurant?
  • CiaraH18
    CiaraH18 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! I'm Ciara. My goal for the weekend is to stick to the eating that I do during the week. The weekend is HORRIBLE for me! IDK why!
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hello everyone!
    I am in. I recently "reengaged" MFP--and am also doing Weight Watchers. I am allowed extra points and I want to save them for my weekend. My biggest challenge is that I want the accountability and I guess I will have to use two different systems to track--which is okay by me---I've been experimenting with that anyway.
    My goal is to plan what I am going to eat on the weekend--and stick to it!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Warm regards,
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    BEST GROUP EVER! I so need this! Just see my last Sunday, argh
  • sen301
    sen301 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I am Shery. I love eating the foods that I miss out on during the week; however I know it is slowing my progress. I love sweets so if any one has some good ideas about low fat low calorie sweets let me know. Thanks.
  • josho655321
    josho655321 Posts: 110 Member
    hey, I'm Josh. My Goal is to make at least 4 weekends in a row without eating a quadruple baconator or equivalent size calorie meals. I have gone so far as making healthier bacon sliders at home rounding out just under 200 calories, but it leaves one wanting more...

    Good group idea by the way.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I'm like everyone in here. :) I have such a hard time on the weekends keeping everything under control food-wise. Maybe it's all that extra time in the house...

    I have to get it under control so I don't keep undoing the hard work!
  • snakesandladders2
    snakesandladders2 Posts: 59 Member

    I'm Snakes and Ladders and I called myself that because I will be reaaaaally good all week (working out, eating clean), and then at the weekend I just let go....thereby undoing all my hard work!

    This group comes at the perfect time, just as I am feeling massively guilty after a VERY VERY VERY bingey weekend...so bingey that I didn't even log! Eeek! But there was cake involved, and cake mix, and triple portions, and deep-fried things, and wine....

    Add me with a message saying you're a WAG so we can keep track of each other!

  • getbusyliving
    Alright Diva,

    Getbusyliving is the name..fighting fat is the game.

    I was in denial...but I belong here too. I log massive burns on the weekends and am usually under my calorie goal, but, my Monday weigh in is always higher than the previous week.

    I like to think that I deserve a day to enjoy good food and drink. The problem is it turns into 3 days! I stopped indulging my dailiy allotment of red wine during the week. I am not giving it up on the weekends!!! But, I can do a better job of limiting the quanity and limiting my "indulgence" meals to 1 or 2.

    I am 15lbs from my goal weight..I guess I need a little W.A.G.!
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hello WAG members!
    My goal for the weekend is as follows:
    --Workout Saturday and Sunday
    --Think about what I am going to eat. I will be eating out with friends both Saturday and Sunday.
    ---Make healthy choices while not depriving myself
    ---Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water this weekend.
  • NiKoCola
    Hey Tamara, this may be the perfect group for me. I don't log on the weekends in part because my diet is not as controlled as during the week. I am finding that I am going over my calorie count at times. I am making a new committement to just log and see how things go!
  • NiKoCola
    good luck with your water goal this weekend. Try to drink from your favorite glass it helps to get it down for me. I find that if I try to drink from water bottles I never seem to finish it. Have fun out with your friends.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name is Jolynn, I used to have Friday's be my cheat days, then I work out a lot on Saturday's (mostly for fun) so I started eating more on Saturday's because I was so hungry, then I figured heck why not, I'll just start over on Monday, so yeah, Friday-Sunday lately has been this huge bingefest. RIGHT NOW I am declaring Saturday night my cheat meal, no more cheat day(s), one cheat meal and I will do it on Saturday to make up for all of my working out on Saturday's. I HAVE to get the rest of this weight off NOW!! Thanks for starting this forum, it's just the kick in the pants I need!
  • jeas009
    jeas009 Posts: 8
    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to this group but not mfp. I gained back a bunch of weight after I moved back out of my parents house for school and Im sure it's because I'm constantly finding excuses I give myself those cheat moments. I deffinetly need encouragement because Im starting to feel at the end of rope with this. Of course, frustration only makes this kind of thing harder to accomplish so I'm going to focus on appriciating the positives in my life and the positive changes i want to make when I feel like cheating again.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    Hi I'm Amber! *I feel like this is like Weekend Eaters Anonymous*...

    Hi, My name is MJ and I am weekend slacker. (*hears many voices hollar back "Hi MJ"*)

    I get tempted by whatever I see my kids/family snacking on. Then if I DO eat something bad, I screw up and don't LOG.

    SO...My goal is to LOG EVERYTHING, even though it is Easter Weenend and my mom is frying her first turkey... in addition to all of the amazing sweets she always has for the family. I'm thinking of picking up a work shift (they just recently opened up for part timers to do temporary "fulltime" work for this month)

    Thanks for this group!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I succeeded in logging everything. Saturday was ultra bad, so seeing it helped me to scale back on Sunday, though I was still over.

    My next weekend goal is to add some exercise! I typically have no problem getting 10 flights of stairs in during the week, and I usually park clear across the lot for work. But on the weekends, I don't really move much. SO...next weekend, in addition to logging everything, I want to add some activity.
  • izziebear01
    izziebear01 Posts: 6 Member
    No one's posted in a while, so I'll try to start it up again.

    Weight has always been a problem since high school. In high school, I would go on what I called 'Orange Diets'. Where whenever I wanted to snack on the weekends (verrry often), I'd eat an orange. I was pre-diabetic so it worked well. Given, I did eat a half a dozen or more oranges a day on the weekends... but it definitely helped.

    Something about keeping my hands busy (peeling an orange), when I am snacking helped ease the itch to snack..

    Then I had the biggest weekend struggle and I cannot shake it: I drink. It used to be quite a bit in college, less so now. But happy hours, and drinks at dinner, etc. eat at me. And drinking does NOT ease my snacking cravings. So now I am snacking and drinking. And now matter how good I am all week, I am still struggling with the weekends.

    I definitely need to be held accountable.

    What are other people's experiences with drinking/going out with friends on the weekend? I am sure there are plenty of stories, I'd appreciate any advice. What's your advice? How do you balance a social life, but still stay on track?
  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    I''m new to this group. My name is Heather. I see there hasn't been much activity in a while. Weekends are prime opportunity for me to sabbotage my hard work. I could really use the accountability!
  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    No one's posted in a while, so I'll try to start it up again.

    Weight has always been a problem since high school. In high school, I would go on what I called 'Orange Diets'. Where whenever I wanted to snack on the weekends (verrry often), I'd eat an orange. I was pre-diabetic so it worked well. Given, I did eat a half a dozen or more oranges a day on the weekends... but it definitely helped.

    Something about keeping my hands busy (peeling an orange), when I am snacking helped ease the itch to snack..

    Then I had the biggest weekend struggle and I cannot shake it: I drink. It used to be quite a bit in college, less so now. But happy hours, and drinks at dinner, etc. eat at me. And drinking does NOT ease my snacking cravings. So now I am snacking and drinking. And now matter how good I am all week, I am still struggling with the weekends.

    I definitely need to be held accountable.

    What are other people's experiences with drinking/going out with friends on the weekend? I am sure there are plenty of stories, I'd appreciate any advice. What's your advice? How do you balance a social life, but still stay on track?

    Find "skinny" drinks to have & don't order appetizers. Ask your friends for help with that. Ask them to not order appetizers either or find something healthy to order. You might be surprised at how willing they will be to help you. You might even motivate them to be better.